Angelina Lonely

When she had that show with Paris Hilton she was really funny. Really! She seems so restrained here. I hope she's not on her new show.

I would fly United Artists over United Airlines any day of the week. But if they try to charge $5 for 3/4 can of soda, there will be trouble. Worse still, 32oz sodas and popcorn on flights!

I'm sorry...but I'm totally on board. One of the first revamped AMC theaters is down here in Marina Del Rey (aka Los Angeles) and it is FUCKING AMAZING YOU GUYS. You can literally curl up in your chair, put your feet up, and drink a beer/eat chicken tenders that they DELIVER to your seat. It's so magical and awesome.

Maybe OT, but does anyone else think concession sales might increase if the prices were only ridiculous instead of obscene*? I will not pay $4-$5 for a soda that would cost $1 at a 7-11, but I might pay $2 or $2.50. I would definitely pay around $3 for a large popcorn, but I will not pay $7 for one, nor will I pay

If only the movie theaters and the airplanes were on the same page with this sort of thing.

Here is what would tempt me to go to the movies more and what I would gladly pay extra for: An usher to stand in each screening room and make people put their stupid cell phones away! The last several movies I've been to there were rude people with their glowing blue screens distracting me from being able to

That's kind of...mean. That's just what her lips look like. She's famous for them, and I think that they make her uniquely really pretty.

Oh my god, what the hell? I'm gonna look that up right now.

"But it's not fair!!! How come they can say it and I can't?! My black friend says it around me!"

yeah. He said I was retarded because I don't believe that Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist who funds the Taliban on a mission to overthrow the govt, like he believes. He's a real fucking gem.

WOW. The arrogance of telling actual Black people that THEY don't know what the N-word means... That is astounding. That makes me feel like maybe sometimes murder is ok?

No one can read Rivers' mind, but we can gage the reaction to her insults. She knows she goes over the line, but now she can rely on being a little old lady to get away with the majority of it. Most of her jokes land because of her age and it's funny to hear a woman in her 80s say the things she says. The same

I was called a nigger last night. So there's no confusion, I'm a white girl. I was having an argument with a girlfriends new bf, and he said "you're being a nigger". I said "excuse me?!" He says "look it up, the definition of a nigger is an uneducated person. You're being retarded, you're a nigger". So of course I

This. What is it about the n-word that makes some white folks so desperate to find a context in which they are allowed to use it? It's like, white folks can't say this one thing and we just can't handle it.

Since we are truth telling; you are a troll.

I don't think Rivers' career is about "stirring things up," I think "stirring things up" is the component she has learned to use in order to gain the attention she craves. In the documentary she made a few years ago Rivers indicated that she continues to work because of the feeling that it can all be taken from her.

I've had a love hate relationship with Joan Rivers for years. I respect her because she carved out a career in comedy during the years when women comics were as plentiful as wooly mammoths strutting around Times Square. She found her niche in being an insult comedian and she was, I don't want to say cutting edge,

Gilda Radner, I get. Shari Lewis? That's kind of random.

The documentary "Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work" is quite illuminating. I don't agree with her humour a lot of the time, but I respect her as a hard working woman who made it into the boy's club and stirred up shit. I just wish she'd stop doing the body-snarking, transphobic bullshit and stick to what she's good at:

I had a guy do almost the exact same thing to me when I was about 18. Kept seeing him, though, because I didn't think that what he did to me was rape. He told me that I needed to "learn how to take a dick," and I believed him.

So I wouldn't be so quick to say that she's just looking for attention. She's probably just