Angelina Lonely

This does nothing to help CBS' reputation as a news organization for the 5 or 6 elderly people who still watch it...

How did they know their water could read English?

I fucking love your username. Also your photo is great. 10/10


How much you wanna bet whatever assistants she has are venting their frustrations into every glass they serve her?

It's a textbook case of affluenza.

I have a friend who has quoted this very "doctor" and this selfsame book to me multiple times. She is a wonderful person but she does a lot of drugs.

How did she manage to get her job back when Dan Rather's 50 year career was ruined for basically the same thing?

Logan is pretty much done as far as journalist is concerned, she's got no credibility, but I suppose she could find a gig at Fox News, worst case scenario

I'd really be okay if she didn't come back at all. The breathy Jessica Rabbit voice gets on my last nerve. And she's seriously tainted by the terrible Benghazi reporting. I don't think a suspension changes that.

I didn't see it, but I think it's an interesting idea to explore, and one that might be enlightening for the audience - the normal funny guy as almost-rapist, potential rapist...He's not a monster, he's not a stranger, he's just a guy acting like a lot of guys act - in a way that hurts women.

I don't think it's that surprising. If you actually look at the Slender Man creepypasta page, it goes out of its way to undermine the idea that it was created for the internet, suggests that there might be a conspiracy cover-up, links it back to several pre-existing legends, etc. There are grown-ass adults who still

They stabbed her 19 times and missed the artery every fucking time.

Oh shit Bloody Mary. I was legit terrified of that and the Sandman for MONTHS. I couldn't sleep. Once the light went out in the bathroom in my school, and all the girls were SURE Bloody Mary would come for us (she comes in the dark) so we made a nun escort us in there. (Catholic school). I shed real tears over that

Kids tend to have pretty active inner worlds. Pair two delusional adolescents together and all kinds of scary shit can happen.

Does nobody remember the creepy weird urban legend horror stories from before us? Bloody Mary? Candyman? Etc.

My eyes crossed trying to read that.

You need to stop having standards. You need to start writing Justin Beiber fanfiction redemption arc featuring Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus.