Angelina Lonely

We want to. We just can't.

Just wanted to say your analysis here is great and I really appreciated seeing something empathetic toward her. It's so clear to me that she is an incredibly, incredibly damaged person and I just cringe every time I see these stories.

Farrah: I...can't...even.
I've been watching her (quite honestly, from a psych/sociological point of view) since she the first '16 & Pregnant'. Working with young adults in a variety of ways for (mumblemumble-alotofyears) I just want to take her back about 18 years and Help Her Start Over.
I can't properly muster *any*

This woman needs a full dose of inattention to get through whatever she's going through.

Yep. And I admire her style. Very Gorey-ish.

BOOM. This is the truth.

I would set his car on fire AT LEAST.

I do not find Mia Farrow's graphic illustration of the destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter to be as shocking as the actual destruction of their family due to Woody Allen cheating on her with her teenage daughter.

If I'd just discovered my partner had been sleeping with my child, you better believe a sad/cryptic card wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.

Can you believe some asshat was arguing with me on the first article over whether this was a result of our corrupt justice system? He kept saying that there's no way to be sure because we don't know what the outcome would be for a poor black kid in this exact scenario. A poor black kid couldn't use "affluenza" as his

I hate to relish this, but his father's metal supply / fabrication facility in Burleson, TX, is nearly completely run out of business because of this, and it PUTS A GIGANTIC FUCKING SMILE ON MY GODDAMN FACE.

I look forward to the civil suits that will quickly remedy that "affluenza" for both him and his parents.

If they want to have convos that can't be aired they need to take turns singing Beatles tunes. I.E. One person sings "Hey Jude" while another talks. Conversation will likely not be aired as rights are too expensive, especially for several conversations.

You really have - he's been one of my favorite actors for ages. IMO he's up there with Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Giamatti in terms of middle-aged actors who consistently choose great projects and give fantastic performances. Capote, Doubt, The Master, The Savages, Synechdoche New York... just years on years of great

crying forever.

Tense was the very first thing I noticed.

You can 'become someone new' and experiment with alcohol and boys and girls without failing classes. Hermione is too responsible to fuck up her grades.

Typical Americans. In most of the non-western world people throw their fecal paper in a bin, sit side by side and hold hands while they poop, and wait for their scat to pile over their heads in the toilet before shoveling it out their windows. Why don't you try traveling sometime? Geez.

Injecting himself with morphine to deal with the pain of his dislocated hip.

Can anyone explain to me what the hell the bottom right guy in the Sochi toilet rules graphic is doing?