
THANK GOD. I’m preggo in Texo and this shit actually affects me, right now, as we speak. I very much want to give birth to a healthy child but if I miscarried, I would not hold a funeral. That this governor would force me to have a burial is unconscionable. I’m a white, married, wealthy voter having planned children.

For this, I am thankful. I’ve had scant reasons as of late (well, since Nov 8th), but this is a tiny light in this dank, orange tinged world


I’m also a vegetarian and have no interest in imitation anything. If I wanted meat, I’d go back to eating meat. I just don’t see the point. The thing keeping me from going full-vegan is that I love cheese too much and I sure as hell am not going to eat fake cheese.

My mother-in-law is a life long vegetarian for religious reasons (she’s Hindu). She finds the concept of fake meat to be baffling.

Yeah if vegan food is so good why the fuck do you people keep making faux meat dishes? Because you know in your hearts that your food preference is yucky!

And that is a very old photo of him. Here it is a more recent one.

Not in, but after. As in “NAME, could you grab me a cigarette”

That cat has NO TIME for your shit, even if you are dead

I call bullshit on Double Creature unless the cat sees dead people too.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but...they’re not wrong.

In other words:

The good news is that it’s not like Rick Perry will remember where he works anyways.

Sounds like the Energy Dept. told Donnie to go frack himself.

They are absolutely atheists, but no one can prove it, and atheism isn’t a religion, so not protected by all of these freedom of religion bills. This is purely political, with the added benefit that it freaks out Christians - who are trying to force their religious beliefs on everyone else - in a way that atheists

Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.

Republicans: making Satan look good.

Y’know, I am an atheist. I believe that most of TST folks are, too. So I want to get all criticizey on them and say “Hey, don’t use satire to try to make your point, just use honest argument”. But y’know what? Their shit works. And it seems like it’s often the only thing that does, particularly with this sort of

My step-sister asked me what my religious views are this week. Guess I just figured them out!

I’m clearing out of my painting studio first thing in the new year, so I’m trying to finish up a dozen or so pieces that I never quite liked. I’m still not entirely sold on this one, but it’s gotten a lot better in the past week.