
Except my sons can recognize bullshit patriarchal inequality, and they even call their friends on it. They also turn off tv shows or movies they find misogynistic. This is how you teach men to help dismantle the status quo.

THIS is why my husband bought our 14 year old a Playboy. No stumbling in donkey porn, but ffs. Yes, please go masturbate

Even before the whole “homophobia” dealio, I refused to eat there. Mainly because of the mis-spellings and ignorant-of-grammar bullshit on their advertising. I forgo McDonald’s for the same reason (it’s fucking I’m loving it, you fucks, not i’m lovin it). I will not support the dumbing down of America!

And shitty taste in food?


OMG I want to smack the crap outta those bitches....

EXACTLY. Ours asked for final numbers a week out. After that, that’s what we paid for no matter who showed or didn’t. It works both ways - someone brought an extra 3 people to our wedding (leaving servers scrambling to squish the shit).

You’re out the cost if the no-show calls you the day of the wedding, anyway. You have to give numbers a week ahead, no?? And any difference after that, too bad, so sad!

Also - the day of the wedding = too late to cancel the catering order, so wtf?

Agree completely. The bride wants to be fielding calls regarding sudden issues on her big day?? REALLY??? Yeah, no thanks.

Holy. Shit. I wish there were a way to block any and all Kardashian bullshit from my FB feed, Twitter, and even here on Jez. It’s fucking omnipresent. MAKE IT STOP!!!!

Dear Migraines ,

I love when Mr. Buttons shaves his head, Omfg. Come to mama

As Margaret Cho said, “are you gonna wash your car?? Now I can’t have sex with you."

There’s a male blogger, Daddy Doin’ Work, who is friends with Hera, the mother Prince. Her story gutted me when I first heard it. And that was without the rape and subsequent charges Included in the story. Travesty of justice all the way around.

I guess if the rape kit comes up as someone other than the accused? Look, I live in Chicago, and I was born in Buffalo. Kane was like, GOD to both cities. And I’ve full-stop said, fuck him if he raped her. So have all the people I’ve known. But if she’s lying? Yeah, that’s complete bullshit. It makes me feel like my

Well, if there’s a rape kit, and it was handled properly, and it proves it’s not the person being accused......

What upsets me the most in this whole case is that, if the accuser really was FOS, then she has fucked over how many thousands of rape victims??? Now we have one more bullshit “false accusation” for rape deniers to pin their arguments on, nevermind the thousands upon thousands of rapes that either get ignored, or go

I guess I’ve missed all the make up posts lol. Probably because it’s not my deal. I generally tune into the fashion stuff. Make up bothers my eyes, so it’s not fun for me. Though the idea of a class like this that specifically is for Selfies is so bizarre to me! I’m not anti make up, I hate when people say is not

I, um, didn’t realize Millihelen was a make-up blog?? I started following because of the fashion articles. I enjoy fashion, hate putting on make-up (which is my deal, I don’t judge those who do.)