
We had to study Islam (and the Q’ran) in my (Catholic School) religion classes, and it’s not in there. These people are NOT following Islam. They are heretics, bastardizing religion. But that’s what a LOT of extremists do in all the religions. It’s why religion truly is the root of all evil in this world.

If the US would stop kissing Israel’s conservative-takeover government right now, they might stop being so myopic.

Ew, he sounds awful.

I love this thing so hard. I used to walk around my hs doing faith healings as a joke. Ahhh, Catholic school.


EBAY BABY!!!! I eBayed several really weird wedding gifts (yes, because I need 3 random white wine glasses that match nothing else I have? I’d rather someone just gave me a pretty card, honestly. Just a nice card with a nice thought in it. :) )


Da fuq? If you hadn’t paid, it would have been, what, $4 a person more.....fuck that.

I have a framed collage of crazy pics from shower/bachellorette/wedding one of my BMs made me as my gift that I love, even though she and I aren’t even friends anymore.

Or these:

Who the hell lets the groom pick?? Hell, *I* didn’t even pick! I talked to everyone about what they would like, colors/cut, then I took the MOH shopping with that list, she tried on a few, we sent pics to everyone (and this is before cellphones had cameras, so we had to MAIL that shit) and people voted.

Do people not buy presents for their bridal party anymore?? I bought my ladies their jewelry, and paid for their hair and nails (because we did it as a fun day before outing re: the nails), and had them sleep at my mom’s house, etc etc etc. But maybe because I was 22, I also understood they were 22, still in college

Yes to all your health questions. My insurance paid for it because of those reasons. I sometimes felt like mine weren’t “huge” because I’m 6ft tall and have swimmer shoulders, but at 19, the pic my plastic surgeon took? My nipples hit below my crotch. And i was a B cup at 18. Sometimes I think we get used to things. I

Omg, my husband would have enjoyed our wedding so much more of we’d had fried chicken. Maybe that’s how I can convince him to do an anniversary party for our 20th.......

Get it girl! Had mine at 19, best decision ever. mine grew overnight I was 18. It’s uncomfortable, and downright painful!

I’m so glad I had mine pre-pregnancies! I didn’t breastfeed, though, due to some of my lasting side effects (numbness of the skin, but oddly, hyper sensitive nipples?)

Word. my pre-surgery bra was my mom’s and my costume for Halloween.

She was wrecking her back and neck. It’s awful.

Had mine at 19, best thing ever. They took off 8 pounds of breast tissue! 36HHH to a 36D. I’m 6’ tall too so the doctor was perplexed. Highly recommend it.

How is it that people have this many u/s?? With baby 1, I had 3, and the first was to make sure I wasn’t having an ectopic, and the third was a week before birth because that little shit’s head was ENORMOUS and they wanted to see if he qualified as having giantism (thanks, ob, for scaring the shit out of me) and