I wasn’t surprised mine looked weird, since I did take college level biology. What I WAS surprised about was them asking if I wanted multiple picture prints, “to give to people.” Uhh, nah, thanks, prefer not to scare everyone I know.
I wasn’t surprised mine looked weird, since I did take college level biology. What I WAS surprised about was them asking if I wanted multiple picture prints, “to give to people.” Uhh, nah, thanks, prefer not to scare everyone I know.
Seems reasonable. Seriously, so over religion. And stupid assholes who take it too fucking far.
That god is kind of a prick, eh?
Why is he only charged with THREE counts of murder????
That, um......actually IS in the bible:
And also because there’s a bias against the victims in these cases.
But mandatory minimums for drug offenses = guy in jail for 40+ years because this one time he had a joint. It’s FUCKED UP. It’s not justice.
Then I’m assuming you’re using canned tomatoes? We have to avoid canned foods, especially canned tomatoes. So if I find glass jars of crushed tomatoes, it’s like finding gold, lol. Otherwise, I have to cook from fresh tomatoes, and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that takes a while, lol.
Because powder sticks to the meat? I buy the stuff that’s pure dehydrated garlic, no extras. We do up onions and shallots with worcestershire and olive oil and few other things to put on top the steak. But season before you grill and it’s so much tastier. I’m also not a fan of butter on steak. gimme ribeye, that shit…
SACRILEGE! Of course, rosemary is gross. LOL.
I am a huge fan of grilling/smoking meats on Sunday, enough for many many meals, and freezing/refrigerating them. Then on weekdays, I am prepping the carb and the veggies instead of worrying if the meat is cooked through. I also adore a crock pot meal. Dump shit into crock pot, set on low, viola!
Apparently you have MAD knife skills. Or you have a Wegman’s.
Somehow, I don’t see Gwynnie using jarred sauce....
“almost single everything this woman does “
I’m damn proud of my lack of knowledge....first time I ever cheered at failing a test.
RIGHT?? Like, I-Will-Straight-Up-Eat-Your-Soul kinda crazy
I was paid well at my Arthur Andersen internship (YES I’M OLD) and I still was rocking in a corner crying. And uh, it was more than 50 hours a week. With fucking travel.
Baby Sideburns was attacked for a pic of her son in a car seat wearing a winter coat (in Chicago in negative temps). Puffy coat gate ensued. “Know better, do better” was posted often. People are insane.
And yet, people still do it all the time. Plays, concerts, Disney world shows. It’s annoying as shit sitting behind these asshats, the device in the way and the light piercing the eyes. People do not want to see your shitty video, put down the phone experience life!
The best!