
I love this show. My kids made me watch and I’m hooked

I hope no one nags me to try this.

Screw the haters, romance is a tough genre with so many options! Intelligent people write these bbooks! Intelligent and discerning people read them.

I worked for a banquet place with in house kitchen/chef. And to be fair, this was more than 6 years ago.

I would not rest until I had at least clicked Mark All Read.

I helped a lot of people do this when I worked weddings. SO AWESOME. There’s always TONS of leftovers, and we boxed them up for the bride and groom, but some would donate.

LOL! Mmmm, uvula - the other other white meat.

OMG, I didn’t even see the date!!! WAHAHAHAHA!!! Article repost FAIL! ;)

Hmmm. Mine are flat, but then, they were cut completely off of my chest when I was 19, so who knows if it’s nerve damage or what....

Um, yeah - just. No. Just toss the pump, mix up that bottle, and rest/enjoy your baby. It’s not worth that much headache!

I keep those on some things because they never stay on the hangers....but I’m good at tucking!

Where are people wearing their earrings?? I’ve not had them get gross.....

The devil you say! I have a stainless dishwasher with a blue protective film and I REFUSE to take it off!! I have a blue dishwasher, damn it!

I hate those things....

Mainly because at 19 you can legally throw them out....

I thought it was for heavier earrings, so your ear wouldn’t fold???

Bummer! But hey - y’all have Savlon cream at the ready, soooo.... ;) My dad orders it by the case, lol.

I vote yes!!!!

I had the clip-on bows in the 80s and 90s....fuckers always were either too small to hold my hair or ripped the hair out at the roots.

The cheerleader bows look like they’re starched stiff as boards, so maybe avoid that?