
They need a milk jug. Like those ones shaped like a chicken that essentially barf milk? This would be classier.

Have you tried the SPF100? Transcendent. I’m so pale I glow. And when I burn, I fade back to white.

I live between Ultra and Cantigny lol! And pretty much all of the towns in DuPage county have restrictive liquor laws, it’s so ignorant. Wtf do they care if I want champagne brunch on Sunday ?? Wheaton is special, for real.

Thank you, this is the perfect thing to call it!

And, truthfully, they choose to attend this backwards ass piece of garbage pseudo college. So, ya get what you pay for, I guess?

Howdy neighbor! I’m another tortured soul in DuPage county. It’s seriously “too much money to not be conservative” kind of people. I can’t wait till we can move out of state. My favorite part of living here is being atheist and liberal. SO MUCH FUN. People defending Hastert, people bitching about their religious

I can’t wait to move far, far away. Just 7 years till the spawn are both out of high school and I can be done with this county, and hopefully the entire state.

Are you local? Is that why you applied? I can’t fathom how anyone applies there.

Amazing how similar these folks are to the “sharia law” crowd they so desperately hate.

This reminds me yet again why I so desperately need to move.

Yeah, based on the fact that it’s Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL, it’s most decidedly NOT the case. They’re assholes. They love that whole “Creation Museum” thing, and they adore Billy Graham.

Tax exempt status for religions pisses me right the fuck off.

LOL that’s what we asked when we moved here from Buffalo, NY. It was so fucking WEIRD

I’m hoping so! I have 4 years before my son starts college. SO not looking forward to that tuition, oy.

Also - I think it’s fucking ridiculous that U of I is that expensive. The private school I went to in the area (Lisle, IL, Benedictine University) is currently over 10k CHEAPER than a state fucking school. BULLSHIT.

The ones who will suffer are the scholarship students. But then, they chose to go to this douchenozzle school, so fuck them.

Because there are PLENTY of ignorant ultra-conservative Christian women willing to “get an education.”

I live like, 2 miles from there. This surprises NO ONE around here. The city of Wheaton didn’t allow liquor sales even into the mid to late 90s, and didn’t allow dancing during my own childhood (I’m 38). This school is an embarrassment to live near. The city of Wheaton is where you’d expect to find a school like this

I only ever ziploc’d the poop diapers. If someone can smell pee in a diaper that’s in the garbage in the bathroom, they’re sticking their faces too far into the bathroom garbage can and should be smacked.

Gotcha! I can’t stand him either. Makes people with legitimate issues look like quacks.