
I’ve written a few replies here in this article where I’ve said even though it does this to me, I think eliminating them is bullshit. Just because I can’t have them doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. this comment was in reply to people talking pseudoscience and saying there aren’t any bad effects. Which is as big a pile

LOL! Truth. Like I tell my kids - eyes on your own plate.

One of the first things neurologists tell you when you go in with migraines is, “do you ingest artificial sweeteners?”

Aspartame gives you migraines, fwiw - those horrible headaches with nausea are migraines. And it is one of the top triggers for migraine. It’s horrible - that shit is hidden in even non-diet and things not labeled sugar free....

Aspartame is definitely a common migraine trigger. I’ve seen 4 different neurologists about my migraines, and EVERY SINGLE ONE said, did you cut out artificial sweeteners? Since they don’t study/research migraine enough anyway, it’s not like they can show proof beyond “hey, you get migraines when you drink that? Me

Oh, I taste it most of the time. The worst is the hidden stuff. A lot of non-sugar free or things not labeled “diet” have sucralose or stevia added, and I’ll be like, this tastes off....hmmm......and as the migraine sets in, I see it, right there, hidden in the damn ingedients. UGH.

For me it is - anything that has artificial and/or non-calorie sweeteners will cause me to have a migraine. I’ll eat something with hidden fake stuff, and within an hour, I have a migraine, and I’m pissy and think, well, wtf triggered me this time? And I go look at, say, the Yoplait Original yogurt or whatever, and it

Agreed. It’s not like they can even tell me why the fuck I even get migraines, or why they’re triggered by all artificial and/or non-calorie sweeteners, but they fucking are. It’s not woo. It’s debilitating pain, I’m not fucking faking.


I hate people who get preachy about the artificial and/or no-calorie sweeteners. And I can’t have them because migraines. But just because they hate me (or my stupid migraine head hates me?) doesn’t mean I think other people shouldn’t be fucking allowed to ingest them. WTF? It’s like Jewish people wanting to make all

I honestly just wish they’d make HALF SWEET Coke.....just half the sugar. Nothing else added to keep it same sweetness. Just half. the. sweet. Fucking dicks.....

They both give me migraines, so fuck you artificial sweeteners! Hell, even Stevia gives me migraines. FUCK YOU MIGRAINES!!!


But you’re not the only person in the office, correct?

Honestly, I think if they set the thermostat at 68 or 70, all year round, wouldn’t that work? Our house is set at 67 in the winter and 69 in the summer.....

Yeah, it’s ridiculous if it’s that cold for sure. I’ve just worked many places that kept it on the warmer side and suffered because of it (migraines, stiff joints, etc). There’s a freaking middle ground. 77 is tank top weather, lol! But below 68 is also insane.

Then I’m a freak too. 80+ is bullshit outside, 70+ is bullshit inside.

I’m female, and I agree with you. It’s unfair to have it warm, since putting on sweater works, but peeling off clothes isn’t an option.

THIS. Yup, that’s what I’d do.

I’m with you - it isn’t ALWAYS hard. And we’re best friends. Even during the worst fights, the part of the fight that upsets me most is I can’t go tell my best friend, because I’m fighting with him. I dunno, it’s harder than movies/books make it seem, and it’s not whipped cream and lollipops, but fuck it, NOTHING in