My only issue with it is I don’t remember a lot. Xanax and opiates, I get that warm and fuzzy and full memory. But it’s so calming. Smart doctors lol.
My only issue with it is I don’t remember a lot. Xanax and opiates, I get that warm and fuzzy and full memory. But it’s so calming. Smart doctors lol.
Xanax makes MRIs delightful.
Minivans are snack shacks!
Apparently bears have figured out it’s not just minivans that hide the tasty treats. Smart bears know to find pies at the source.
I laughed so loud the cats ran away. Reminds me of my 11 year old son. He had to go in for an endoscopy, and they put kids under for that. He hates needles, so they gave him Versed to calm him.
I’d be the filling......
Liked your post only because me likey. Mmmmm. He’s a gorgeous hunk of middle eastern yumminess
*weeps softly in the corner at the realization of how stupid people in the US have become*
Didn’t most people watch that show like a train wreck - in shock, horror, and awe? I mean, there can’t be THAT many insane people in the US, can there??
Because they’re the victims, it will all be ok. Except they’re continuing the cycle, and spewing the same ol’ ignorance and vitriol.....blegh
I hate Buddy, he needs to go. He is annoying!!!
I wish they could find some reason for mine beyond *shrug, who knows*. The Botox helps some. I hope his surgery goes well! Scary stuff, but hopefully migraine free after!
I’m thinking I need to find a doc who’s willing to write the script. It’s tough to get specialists in my insurance network, though, and she charges me less for my botox shots (for migraine). So if I can even fund a gp who would write it....better than destroying my organs with vicodin.
She said their practice “isn’t convinced” that it’s effective, and they’re “waiting for more research.” Blah. But she’ll go right ahead and write me an opiod! Seriously, so insane....
No kidding. Despite my state having legal medical for the condition I have, my neuro won’t write the script. Need to find one who will, but live in the conservative, douchey county of the Chicago burbs.
I’d love pill or syrup form
And people with chronic pain could get relief without opioids.
My reaction watching the video:
It didn’t read as rape in the book, fwiw. Or at least, I don’t recall it being so close to rape to me when I read it. I remember seeing the movie for the first time after reading the book and thinking, OMFG, that’s NOT how the scene went!!!