Yours too? WHAT THE FUCK??? Fear (and too much money, in my parents’ case) is powerful.
Yours too? WHAT THE FUCK??? Fear (and too much money, in my parents’ case) is powerful.
I will bet you 1bajillion dollars that if his daughter or his mistress got pregnant, you can bet abortion would be A OK super peachy keen. Fucking. Hypocrites.
They make me walk through the forest like bigfoot, and I get many, many squatch-themed gifts. Even my mom is on board. I’ve decided to own it.
Preaching to the choir on measurements! And can we have different rise/hip combos? I’m short wasited, no hips, long legs. I feel your pain! lol. Ironically, the Dollar Tree shorts are the best thing ever. LMAO!
And at least ON has myriad lengths and rises online!
I look like an apple on stilts.....
AND let’s go into Nordstrom’s, pick out a pair of dress pants or jeans or khakis and they hem them GASP for FREE??? Fuckers...
The vocal fry - I cannot. I just can’t.
We squatches apparently should just weave clothing out of the forest leaves. Or shop the men’s dept.
I just move over to the men’s dept for myself anyway. The shoes, omg, so much more comfortable! Unless we’re talking hella pricey women’s.....
I need to shop where you shop, as I can never find over a 10 where I shop, lol!
Except on the plus size side, because I have several tops from like 5 years ago in a size 20 that are bigger/longer than a 24 I just had to buy - same store. But then, the higher the size, the more they charge, sooo....
OMG, you did not just say that! LMAO! Sasquatch is one of my nicknames....wahahahahaha!!!!
So far in this thread there’s at least 4 of us....soooo.....
Can we average our metabolisms out?? lol. ;) Wish it worked that way, where we could all have a reasonable metabolism, because crazy either direction sucks.
Which just proves that size numbers mean jack shit. My super thinnest I was a 10 on the bottom, and I looked skinny. I’m 6’ tall. It’s all about build. But limiting to a size 8 means even when I was an aerobics instructor, I wouldn’t have fit in this shit. That’s a tad insane.