
Because consenting relationships are EEEEEEEEEEEEVILLLLLL

Well, if you believe the Bible is correct about the age of the Earth, maybe that’s true......

I find this a great opportunity to unfriend the hell out of closeted bigots on FB and Twitter

I worked at WF in the late 90s in the bakery. They’re the worst. Overcharge, treat employeeslike crap, oversell the quality. Ridiculous

There are sites that schools use to “clean up” youtube videos so they can show them in class without the comments or the “watch now” ads at the end, since sometimes, watching a video on cellular mitosis might lead to porn....because internet.

IIt’s a name with a possessive, how the hell do they get the ies sound at the end? That’s like saying Diana’s is pronounced die-an-ah-ies. Wth? You don’t call a person named reese ree-see do you?

It definitely did not go far enough. Insurance companies can still decide what treatment you receive. It’s ridiculous the control that for-profit companies have over my health care. And no one complains about it. Instead, they complain that not-for-profit hospitals are to blame. UM, what?

Or 773-202-LUNA

It’s been reported several times that they are estranged. And they didn’t come forward, a reporter approached them.

Apparently I’ve always been rich, then, because I HATE logo shit. ESPECIALLY if it’s expensive. Um, let me see. I’M paying YOU a ton of money to be a walking advertisement? Yeah, no. A $5 Old Navy tshirt? Fine, maybe.....

See, this is why we limited ourselves to a certain number of drinks. I don’t need to be blitzed in a gown with expensive makeup and hair in front of my family.

The garter thing, or the groom getting wasted at his own wedding??

100 Years of EUROPEAN Royal Wedding Gowns, sadly. I’d love to see other royal cultures’ gowns/outfits.

The ONLY way I would consider this remotely acceptible is if it were out town guests, done in a fun way (like with gotomeeting and wine). Like if the couple lives far away from most family. Sending gifts can cost a lot, traveling twice, etc. Maybe.

She gets a lot of facials. Ahem.

If you go to this article, there’s a picture from her wedding. She’s very obviously not black. So her husband knew?? This is so fucking weird.

That, and in uS, you can get assistance if you’re a single parent living alone with no child support. I turned a woman in for divorcing her husband but staying with him so she could WIC. They were not short of funds. Her belief was if lazy people get it, why not me? She disgusted me.

I tend to be more open, myself, but we need to realize not everyone is this way. Reading others is an important skill, and i believe it’s a skill that’s dying because of Internet and social media. Also from intervention into the interactions between kids nearly constantly in school and on the playground.

They teach this in my kids’ school