
My family is like that, but we know how to rein it in in public. Well, most of us. Grandma gets ornery some times. Lol

Hide that crazy!

Some women don’t show at all. She has a condition related to muscles too, can’t remember which, but that could make her show less.

She was a young, college aged woman, who suggests dating a “dadbod” so that you, in turn, look even skinnier. It’s gross.

Thank the FSM that I’ve never heard that shit before because, whoooo-eee, I’d want to smack someone who said that.

That’s wild, mine told me 80-90% chance of improvement. Everyone I know who has had it has had success, thankfully.

Looks like an 80s Ken doll

Your doctor would be the best one to ask. I didn’t have any polyps or issues that required hysterectomy, so ablation it was.

No problem at all. I just wish I could be more help, and wish this were a definite option for elective procedure.

It doesn’t even look like the model herself. It’s disturbing the manipulation of the photo, not the model. I’ve seen several pics of her where she just looks genetically thinner, teenager bean-pole stage, but healthy. This photo reduces her to nothingness, and that upsets me on her behalf.

Right, but this pic, this looks like genetic, normal bean-pole teenager thin, while the photo uses shadows to reduce the model to “nothingness” levels. It’s insulting to her what they’ve done in the image, honestly. Reduces her to a prop.

OMG, that’s awful, I’m sorry it didn’t work! You had one mighty uterine lining, apparently! Glad, though, it’s stopped now.

I’m sure if you can find a gynecologist who will help you to get it done, they would do it. I would hope they would! Be warned, though, that if you have it done young, you can wind up with having a period again, though much lighter (I was 34 when I got it done, I now have 2 days of mild spotting now). I mean,

What she said! My husband had a vasectomy prior to mine, so the doc knew we were seriously done, lol.

It was in-office for me, but my doc’s office is in a tower of our hospital, so the ER is literally 5 minutes away. It was twilight sedation, not full anesthesia. I had cramping and discharge for 5-7 days afterwards, no period for 6 months, then gradually, I got to a steady every 34 days, I have 2 days of spotting and

My insurance (Blue Cross of IL PPO at the time) paid in full, I had like, $100 copay? It was outpatient, and done under twilight (so not fully under anesthesia). My doctor’s office was in the office building tower of our local hospital, so I had it done in his office. It was not considered elective. My OB/GYN made

Yes, my cramps are nonexistent now.

If you’re done having babies, and you’re using two super plus tampons at a time and still leaking, ask about an ablation. SERIOUSLY. Best thing ever.

Yes, an ablation. If you’re done having babies, they fry the lining of the uterus. I had it done - best thing EVER. A lot of women never have another period afterwards. I was only 34 when I had it done, so I only got 8 months without any period, now I get spotting for 2 days every 34 days.....much better than sitting

Come with me, you will see, a pie of pure abomination. ........