
If I were being proposed to at a wedding, I’d smack the guy. First, it’s public, which is bs for a proposal. and second, it’s their day, don’t be a dick! But this pressure to make grand, viral video worthy proposals is making crap like this happen! Enough, stop focusing on getting likes and focus on if this is the

Bananas are the debil.

Fried zucchini is an abomination because it’s a waste of oil and batter. Zucchini is disgusting. That would be like tempura banana.

Johnny Storm could be plaid for all I care, as long as he doesn’t say lame crap like “flame onnnnnn!” Like he did in the last one.

Religion is a fuckshoot of evil, a complete barge full of festering bullshit.

Yup, those shameless hussies, laying there, sleeping so seductively.

Or gentle....

I didn’t know it had a name! LOL! Learn something every day. Today was this, and that Duggar clan is incestuous as all get out.

Perfect for carrying your phone around so you can live tweet your own wedding....

WTF is a step and repeat??? This is a thing?

Not my style either. Meh.

Um, yeah - they are called place cards where I come from. That’s even what they’re called on the package when you buy them. Because an escort card implies you’re being escorted somewhere by someone. Which you’re not, if you’re picking up a damn card, reading the number, and then finding that number on a table your

And I totally read that in his voice.

Join me in the nightmare club. So. Sick. Of people asking when I’m going back to work. Uh, this is what works for us. We sacrifice, I coupon, so I can stay home.

We haven’t won the lottery,but I still “stay home” even though my kids are 14 and 11, and I get so much shit for it. People either assume I’m uneducated, submissive, uber religious, or lazy. Uh, nope to all ofthe above. this is what works for our family. I’m a feminist, but get condescension because I don’t want a

This this this. Wtf, I’m reminded of Regency England where the wife had right hto the wealth, and received an allowance.

Ok, sushi grade tuna, maybe. “Tuna sandwich” always implies canned tuna to me, and that shit grosses me out. It’s glorified cat food.

My bouquet was taken and placed on my mother-in-law’s grave for me, since we live in IL and her grave is in MD. She died 6 months to the day before our wedding, so it was important to me. I did a toss, but it was also 1999, lol, and I was 22, so my friends wanted to do it. The friend who caught my bouquet and the man

Just don’t huff the sprays, you’ll be fine. The question comes with kids, who aren’t smart enough to hold their breath.

I never stopped shopping Old Navy. Mainly because they carry all different fits/rises/lengths, not just what’s trendy (at least online), and because they carry NON PLUS bottoms up to size 20. Because not every larger woman has hips or thighs, people. Also, they have tall (read: 36 inseam) up to size 20 as well. BLISS.