
They’re one of the few places to get active wear for plus sizes and big boobs, so I’m surprised when people say they don’t like them. But I guess if I had other options......

I’ll have what she’s having. Except the tuna because ew.

For what it’s worth - if you need a specific rise because of your shape, several brands (Old Navy being one of them) ALWAYS has low, mid, and high rise jeans available. You might have to order online, but even if something is in STYLE doesn’t mean you have to try to jame a body that doesn’t work with that style into

AMEN. I look like an apple on stilts in high waist. Let’s just have the low, mid, and high rise available so every shape is able to fit into jeans and feel good???

Actually, it depends on your measurement from crotch to waist. They have low rise in different cuts at some stores, so if you have hips or you don’t, but have a short rise, you can find something

Low rise never left Old Navy, fwiw - Diva cut is their low rise. Sometimes only available online, but it’s there. IMHO, they should ALWAYS carry multiple rises, because we’re all different sized rises, ya know? It’s stupid for it to be “in style” - it’s about what fits best on your body!

OMG THIS. I always felt I looked like an Oompa Loompah in high (or even mid) rise jeans!

Old Navy’s Diva cut - I’m a size 20, and their non-plus 20 is the BEST.

Me too, ultra low rise hits me at my natural waist lol.

If she’s so abusive, why does he want to have children with her?

And touching as all hell.

In Tammy, she has amazing depth as well.

Extra squick factor. So very very gross.

Stormer was the only doll of the Jem dolls I wanted (and got).

Yes, because mascara has never flaked off and gotten into someone’s eye. And it’s so worth saving $5 to do this, by all means, have at it.

Hell. Yes. So exciting! Please let there be lengths!

THIS, so this. I’d pay a little more to get 3 tiny tubes.

Except some people might burn their eyes or not do it properly, or melt the plastic or leach chemicals out of the plastic. So vision destroyed. I’m legally blind - it’s not fucking fun. I’ve just found out I’m allergic to most soft contact lenses as well. Take it from me - plastic that your eye doesn’t like is painful

Exactly. The cost of an eye infection is higher than a new tube of mascara.

I especially hate when a picky eater is fawned over. “What about this? This?” Or when they finally lick a brussel sprout, and everyone cheers. Fuck. That.