
Hell. Yes. If you’re too chicken shit to try new things,you don’t get to sit with the adults.

My kids have always had to take sev er al bites on 4 separate occassions before claiming they don’t like it. I even then will try to trick them. Sometimes they still don’t like it, fine.

Mom drunk is the best. My mom doesn’t have eyebrows, was born without them, so always draws them in (really well, I might add, with powder not pencil). Anyway, cut to me in college, living at home still. They went out for their anniversary and split a bottle of wine. She was loaded. I was in the living room, she was

Uh, $50 an hour times 40 hours is $2000 a week, times 52 weeks a year is $104000 a year, not $60k.

I had a Miele vacuum, and I hated that thing, lol. Yeah, I suppose if it’s super loud, that’s hellish. My kids never cared about noise, thank goodness, when sleeping. Of course, we also lived in older places when they were little, or rentals with crappier stuff, so maybe we’re just used to loud, lol. The Frigidaire we

It was clearly stated that if not for the patients working the farm, cooking, cleaning, canning, etc, then it would never have survived. In other words, it wasn’t financially sound, just well run to be self sufficient.

That’s super fucked up! Guess I’m really really glad we’ve been lucky with the fridge. It’s only “issue” is being extra cold in the back, which, meh.

Good to know for future purchases!

I’m surprised about the fridge - mine’s a freaking tank. Works perfectly, has for 8 years. SHHHH, don’t give it any ideas! LOL!

My 8 year old armoire fridge begs to differ. We have - knock on wood - never had a single problem with it. That’s why we bought the dishwasher.

Research the models ahead of time. I love my LG fridge and my LG washing machine, but the dishwasher was crap. The model I had is rated very very low. Hopefully they’ve improved....

Ours lasted 3 years. I was PISSED. And the cycle was 2 hours long because eco-dry is stupid. And dirty as hell dishes on the super scrub. FAHGETABOUTIT. lol

Maybe Vancouver Island repaired a lot more, lol. St. Croix’s streets are RIDICULOUS. Again, poor/not apt to fix often....

The LG or the Frigidaire? The Frigidaire is model #FFBD 2406 NSOA (or NS0A, can’t tell if it’s an o or a zero)

I don’t give a crap about quiet, though. Hell, my “quiet” appliances all play long, loud, stupid songs when the cycle ends, so wtf, ya know? It just shocked me how badly made the expensive one was, and how much crappier it worked....

I’m jealous.....fucking LG. Our LG fridge, though, is a damned dream! That’s why I was especially pissed about the dishwasher...

Do people not know that magnolias grow in the north, fairly prolifically, I might add? There are a dozen magnolia trees on my block alone, all blooming like crazy right now. I’m up by Chicago. Magnolias aren’t strictly southern. Hell, we even have different colors of magnolias up here.

Saltwater is hell on roads, so I’m assuming because it’s coastal??

If I can’t put it in the dishwasher, I won’t own it. The three exceptions - my nonstick omelette and crepe pans (they’re to die for perfect), and my Walking Dead Darryl cup.

TRUST ME - buy the cheaper one. We spent $700 on an LG dishwasher and the fucker broke 3 times during the warranty period, and then again a week after the warranty was up. Bought a $200 Frigidaire a year and a half ago, fits the same amount of dishes, cleans BETTER than the LG did so I use the Light Wash every time