
September 11th and income tax are what started them down the path to Limbaugh. Which is especially sad, since my husband’s father is from the Middle East, so them acting all weird and scared about “terrorists” is insulting to my husband AND my kids. I’ve tried to get my mother to see she’s so NOT conservative (pro-gay

I’m jealous, my former-Bill-Clinton-supporter parents now listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News.

I guess my worry is they’ll say “it’s better to wait till you’re older” and wtf, no it’s not, not necessarily. I want my sons to enjoy sex, to see it as something good, something to enjoy. Not taboo and forbidden. I’ve taught them it’s ok to NOT want to have sex, that they need to figure out what makes them “ready.” I

I can’t even imagine how fucked up that letter was to receive.

I learned that kind of sex ed at a CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL. I’m shocked too. lol

Afuckingmen. I want my boys to know the facts, and I don’t want assholes trying to keep them naive. Naive is how people get pregnant unintentionally, or catch STDs.

It’s frustrating as all fuck. My 8th grader is having a sex ed class this week, and on the permission slip, they mentioned abstinence, and I wanted to hurl things against walls. NO, fuck you, stop even mentioning abstinence, ffs. Thankfully, they’re teaching disease and pregnancy prevention, consent, abuse, and peer

I love you for your use of the “therefore” symbol.

Yeah, Alex is my favorite “real” one but he sort of earned the Al one - “big Al” lol

I couldn’t be married to someone like that.

Alexander is a pretty awesome name. Though, we call him Al for short, as well as Looloo (we are the weirdest parents EVER). Joseph is NEVER Joey, he hates it, lol. So he’s Bear, Feff, Tumper.....again, we’re weird. I like a solid name, but then discovering all the weird nicknames your kid earns all on their own....

I have stupid OCD tendencies. Things like counting stairs, tapping things, wanting things to look properly proportioned, but so totally NOT organization or cleaning.

A person I’m no longer friends with was still drinking it in her 30s. I don’t even like beer overall, and I know that this is crappy beer. I don’t understand it, never did, and it was a good indication of the sort of person she was.

I saw that too, and am twitching.

I was sort of hoping for Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third, myself.

As a Deanna Elizabeth, I’m hoping it’s protocol, and not an abhorrence of my name order. LOL

I’ve had the middle name Elizabeth for 38 years, it was after my grandma’s first name. I knew quite a few Elizabeth middle names growing up, as well as Lynn, Marie, and Ann.

Now, the fun one is my husband’s culture - they give the child a first name, then the middle name is their father’s name. We would have switched

It’s fun being a basic name fan weirdo, because my sons Joseph and Alexander are the only ones of those in their schools....

Best. One. Ever.

He’s 24 if it was 10 years ago. In some careers, that’s old enough to have $3k extra.