
A FUCKIN’ MEN. It’s messed the hell up. Where the hell are the moderate Republicans??

And this is why religion is bad. People are involved.

This, full stop.

Totally forgot the torts! I was happy when she corrected the $29 to one (even though that’s still insane) but three again. Depressing. Yeah, i would totally buy steak when all I had for the week was $29. Da fuq?

Ok, then 10 servings of rice, with no other basic carb, for a week. 21 meals. And a serving of rice is 1/4 cup. It’s still pretty meager. It also makes the limes even funnier for 1 person.

Yeah, ten servings of rice for 3 people for a week.

She could have gotten two more dozen eggs if she cut out the lines and cilantro

ONE ear of corn? ?

Because the attention you get as a rape reporter is SO POSITIVE, why wouldn’t you want to lie about it for attention???

Kraft och omtanke. I’m so sorry.

Fuck these assholes. I’m so sick of anti choice nutjobs deciding what women can do with their bodies, when it should be between a woman and her doctor. Period. End of story.

I hate when "good old days" is used in any argument. The "good old days" sucked, people. Basically, it ALWAYS sucks. There's always good shit and bad shit in life. End of story. Stop looking backwards with rose colored glasses.

I ask my son if he has a college degree. Shuts him down pretty fast. He’s going be insufferable if he goes to graduate school.

I never left my kids alone for 12 hours if they cried. My older one slept 10 hours at clip during growth spurts starting around 4 months. He ate plenty during his awake hours. Let sleeping babies lie.

Mine were both bottle fed exclusively, and at 6 wks they were in their own rooms, sleeping through the night. I don’t give two fucks what people think of me. Worked for us. They’re 14 and 11 now and healthy, happy adolescents (insofar as adolescents can be happy). As your kids get older, the mommy wars bs matters

Spot on. I’d love a little freedom from religion, and from hearing how they’re being persecuted.

I've had good luck with semi-permanent stuff (the 28 washes kind). I find my color on sale with a coupon, and it's like $4 to do it. My hair is actually nicer after I color it - lighter hair is coarse and the shaft is empty, so filling it with color (ie turning the gray black) can help it blend back into the rest of

Dear humans,

Except, the part where it says dudes shouldn’t bang dudes is open to interpretation. Depending on the translation, it says dudes shouldn’t RAPE dudes. Or anyone.

Ok, seriously people. Enough with the giggling about a pizza place catering a wedding. A LOT of people have food brought in at midnight for a second party. I worked weddings, and we had plenty of weddings where we served McDonald’s, Domino’s, and Portillo’s at midnight to soak up the drunk.