
THIS. Being the bigger person is important. I don’t know if it’s better or worse, more like sinking to their level.

Or their parents go hypocrite and get them a quick, quiet abortion. It's not murder if your little princess is too good for that lowlife who knocked her up.

Don't bother IL, Chicago is nice but drive 10 minutes in any direction and you get to the idiots.

Abstinence -only merely serves to make a big mystery out of sex. What do teenagers love more than forbidden and mysterious things?

Oh, we had a long reception, and there were hot groomsmen for ya! LOL! Just a short-ass ceremony, because wtf, let's eat, drink, and be merry!

I'd think it would be a safety thing, no bonking people in the eye with a long stick?

I chose to just tell people my wedding, my choice. Nonreligious, outside, super short ceremony on a Sunday night. Complaints abounded but fuck 'em.

We got more than we expected, both in physical gifts and money. But most people write checks, lol. The purse was seriously 2 feet by 2 feet. Crazy grandma - at least we talked her out of crocheting one. Would have been bright orange!

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yeah, definitely lobbed it way up over my head ;)

eBay, baby. That's where a LOT of my wedding gifts eventually went. Kitchen-Aid mixer paid for two full weeks of groceries when my husband was out of a job.

Greek weddings are literal SHOWERS of money. They dance for like half an hour and people throw singles at them. So much fun sweeping up money while people are dancing so they don't slip, holy hell.

OMG, Preach! I sold everything we received that was off-registry eventually because 1, wtf do I need with 3 crystal goblets that I find ugly, and HELLO, THREE?? and 2, things I don't need or use get sold in my house, and we were pretty smart about our registry (we were both young, and only had 3 pots, 4 plates, and a

Fight the china power - seriously. Unless you enjoy hand washing plates from 20 people at a dinner party. Fuck. That. Noise. I'm all about classy paper plates....

Wait - I thought it was bad form to put registry info on the wedding invite?? Isn't that put on the SHOWER invite??

We Poles enjoy cash as well - so much so that our little grandmas sew up purses for us to carry around for the cash. My grandma made me the biggest cash purse I've ever seen. I don't know wtf she was thinking, except maybe that people were bringing all singles??

Yeah, sorry - don't get it. Oh well.

I'm apparently too old, don't know this "6:00 joke" you speak of, DOH! lol

I sure as hell prefer this to when I go look at a registry and see really, really stupid shit on there. Like a tv, or a DVD set of a tv show? Or I see the newest, most expensvie, and also stupidest, you-will-never-use-this-in-three-decades gadget or appliance. I'd rather hand over cash for a fun, memorable trip, than

I called in quit to work before, I can relate. Shitty bosses deserve that kind of thing.

Here's the thing - they don't often end a season by killing off a major character.