
“That said, a broken clock is right twice a day and he makes some valid, even if annoyingly hoteppy, points in his rhetoric.”

Nope. It sounds like you are working with limited knowledge here. There is audio of the entire thing plus dashcam footage of the whole thing but you can’t see Philando. Then Diamond starts recording after he was shot. He was absolutely not reaching for a weapon. Moreover, the weapon was still down in his pants when

I traveled for my job in Finance extensively, and I never felt welcome in most European and Asian countries.

In Spain in particular, I recall being shooed away from a restaurant with the workers saying: No Africans, until the owner realized I was American and wanted my money (I left as I still expected them spit in my

who had run away from home and to “crime ridden neighborhoods.”

Even writing this story is too much.

Scammer is right. Black community is filled with these sort of hustlers. I like to add Dr. Boyce Watkins to this list.

This is one of those Derek Bentley ‘Let him have it’ ambiguous sentences. People are arguing whether he is actually saying ‘If you Beyonce lets me off the leash, then I will fuck up’ (abdicating personal responsibility) or ‘If I give myself the chance, colloquially phrased as ‘if you let me’, I will fuck up because I

Yeah, I think it’s more of a catchy reference to Future/Ciara/Russell Wilson than him literally saying he doesn’t want that to happen. I think he’s just saying, “I don’t wanna end up like Future, watching this dude that’s infinitely better than me having the great family I could have had if I weren’t a fuckboy.”

This is actually a myth. The data is pretty easy to collect (we do it every two years) and it’s pretty accurate. When kids are given the opportunity and it’s safe to tell the truth, they do. We just reinforce the message that talking about sex is wrong, so they don’t do it openly and honestly often. When you give them

You ... don’t know anything about the concept of “voter suppression”, do you ...?

Michelle Obama got dragged for wearing modest-length shorts on a family summer vacation. Melania Trump’s nude photos were on the cover of the New York Post and white people talk about her bringing class back to the White House.

Yeah, they detain you, wait for you to backtalk and then hit you with resisting if you so much as ask “why”?

Old racist tactic, from the slave patrols days.

And this literally a day after the state transition board overturned Flint’s moratorium against placing liens on homes with deliquent water bills.

“Cool story, bro” time:

I guarantee you the same people who argue that Garner would not have died if he had just obeyed the law are horrified that this kid died for breaking a “minor” law.

Right. Why are people excusing his thuggish behavior? He should have just followed their rules.

Even that won’t work! Remember that caregiver in Florida who was shot in the leg by the police while he was laying on the ground with his hands in the air trying to protect his charge who was sitting next to him.

Are you talking about the U.S. or N. Korea?