It’s the equivalent of this:
It’s the equivalent of this:
This is ivankas first time meeting someone with charisma. Previously, the only two men she bothered to know would be her dried discarded orange peel of a father and her emtpy plastic bag blowing in the wind from the end of american beauty of a husband
Tiffany Trump = Meg Griffin
We often see celebrities evolve before our very eyes, for better or for worse, especially if we have been exposed to…
They spent the entire time trying to deflect onto “But the leaks - But Hillary’s emails - But your firing”. It was disgusting. Meanwhile, we apparently needed 3000 investigations into Benghazi to find nothing.
There was an earlier moment in the Cruz/Yates exchange that really pissed me off and makes Yates’ response so much more delicious. Cruz asks Yates if she was familiar with 8 U.S.C. 1182 and she says “not at the top of my head, no.”
I’m sorry to be Debbie Downer but WHO thought this was a good idea? I know it was staged but how spectacularly tone deaf in light of black people dying from overzealous police?
This shit isn’t cute. It’s not as bad as the “prom-posal” that involved arresting a black teen at school but it’s still fucked. Your body and subconscious don’t get to just laugh it off when you think you might die or be locked in a cage but it turns out to be a BIG SURPRISE! Can we just.... maybe.... take the…
Congrats to the expectant parents... But I wouldn’t be pranking anyone with PTSD. Definitely wouldn’t be pranking anyone with cops.
Because black man.
Don’t you know? The solution is just for us slutty slut sluts to keep our legs shut.
*smacks my dentures* Well, back in my day, people used their phones to talk to other people. They would dial those silly phone numbers, and then there would be a ringing sound, and then the other person would pick up the phone, and you would have a talky conversation! Bah humbug and get off my lawn! *swats young’un…
We need to organizate a committeement to study this.
Then after their exciting trip and spa-day abortion, it’s off to celebrate with lobster and champagne brought with food stamps before hitting the town in their Caddy with free Obama cellphones to smoke the crackweed and get knocked up again.
I’m just waiting for a pearl-clutching Mommier-than-thou commenter to chime in along the lines of “Those IUDs have HORMONES and I would NEVER let my child TOUCH something that gives off HORMONES just so I could post it on social media for a few laughs from my friends!!!!”
That’s a fair sentence. Jonathan should have kept his hands clean, instead, he had his hand in her pocket, uninvited. Oh, well; you live, you learn.
This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die.
Maybe that picture of Jordan will be age appropriate enough for the asshole from the other article to generate some fucking sympathy for a murdered child now.
I used to be one of the biggest sports fanatics in the world. Between the racism, misogyny, and the blatant exploitation of Black and other-skinned minorities in their labor (look up contract prices for white vs non-white- esp Latinos - players in MLB), I just can’t do it anymore.