Rants about the Nation of Gods and Earth and their toxic misogynoir.
Rants about the Nation of Gods and Earth and their toxic misogynoir.
But Jemele Hill. . . And before the #wellactually bros storm from the greys , I know ESPN is corporation and not a public college. The point stands free speech is for wypipo.
DVS is great. Some of our cousins wont patronize it because the owners are LGBTQ.
I enjoyed for what it was : A two hour sizzle reel for Essence Fest and New Orleans.
He been hanging out with the Muurs or the Hebrew Israelites. I would bet fifty cents. He said some key words in his statement “system” I’m not Black (there is no Blackland) I’m not African (Africa is a continent) and Black people are the original Native Americans (cue old photos for really dark complexioned people in…
Lemonade out of the most bitter of lemons. Mr Castile SHOULD BE HERE spearheading this but good on the fundraiser.
I followed the scholarship money to a PWI but I enjoyed my Black College Tour back in the stone age. Had things been different, I would been a Prairie View Panther. This will be a GREAT WEEK.
We are clear that Woodwick is Yankee Candle yes?
We are clear that Woodwick is Yankee Candle yes?
I have never had pork. I am still Black though because fish for breakfast is wonderful. Salmon Croquettes and grits, fried perch and eggs. *homer drool*
Aye depending on the day of the week, I could be 4 or 5. This shit hit me right in the soul: IT ME!!
This is why Son of Baldwin said what he said.
Point taken.
She has a permanant spot at the African World Festival in Detroit (second weekend in August) if you’re so inclined to bask in her loveliness again.
As a resident, I am going to say this is a clear representation of the wypipo divide in my city and its surrounding suburbs: Kid Rock vs Eminem ...yep. Im staying out of it.
If you don’t get your whataboutism ass out of here. I bet you can read Mark Twain and George Orwell with no problem, you’re just an AWP.
Ditka was 23 during the March on Washington. He had teammates who had segregated arrangements. He is being willfully ignorant.
THIS, THIS, AND MORE THIS. Its the oldest trick in the book, feign incompetence and someone will do the work for you. NO NOPE NAH
The cumulative impact of experiencing microaggressions is like “death by a thousand nicks”( Dr Alvin Poussaint)
I sweaterbob I just tweeted this. I feel like I’m going loony tunes...Is this Trump Derangement Syndrome?!