
THAT’S THE SAME FUCKING GUY! You cant fool me White people!

Come back Mr. Obama, please?

Keep the trolls in the greys please. That is all I can articulate at this moment.

Who keeps inviting Jason Derulo to things?  Punchable face ass face.

I am really saying this aloud so I can try to understand it:

But where would they get all the ‘coloreds’ to fill the jails?

The language dork in me salutes you for ‘regnal’.

Dingell is one of the halfway decent politicians from Michissippi.

Was your teacher Jane Eliot?

Independent analyses of the bill find that for many Americans, especially those who are older and have lower incomes, their out-of-pocket expenses are likely to rise”

There is some method to the naming madness. When white folks refused to give Black folks respect by referring to them are Mr. M(r)s, Sir or Madam, parents began to name their children Sargent, Major, Sir or just initials as a subversive way to get respect.

Shut up troll.

For the life me, I do not understand when Black people participate in the oppression of others (that was rhetorical). I mean GAT DAMN IT have folks not read OUR history in this damn country not to mention the current mistreatment. Internalized self hatred is a MF and religion has Black people all fucked up. I’m not

You should see the look on my face right now!

Can I crow about living in Wayne County at least? I mean I’ve been in the mitten my entire existence so that violent white working class narrative has always been here., nope guess not.

Now playing

Lenny Kravitz said he used the name Buddy X to check into hotels while he was on tour with Neneh. Neneh wrote it because he was cheating on Lisa Bonet during their marriage with groupies. She pretty much said Lenny was a hypocrite, preaching one thing and doing another.

Star for user name.

We are all going to die aren’t we?

I want to give her a thorough Black girl beat down. Like the kind you see on WSHH and that’s awful.