The weight of our collective ancestors was in that neck snap. So much privilege to unpack . . .*cries*
The weight of our collective ancestors was in that neck snap. So much privilege to unpack . . .*cries*
This is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies
“that none of the Democratic hopefuls had received such scrutiny”
“sucked on each other until all of your fluids starting flowing in a circular pattern and then magically the woman would be pregnant.”<—-this is SO AWESOME
Thank you everyone for your comments. I needed those laughs.
Do NOT feel bad. It was essentially required reading in Detroit Public Schools. Hometown boy makes GOOD. And we were proud but now he drank too much evangelical Flavor-Aid and here we are.
So basically this is saying Ben Carson was thug from the mean streets of DEE-Troit and he got his life together so why cant the rest of you damn DETROITS THUGS do it. Obummer DemocRATS WELFARE RUINT AMERICA!!! *loud noises*
But abortion (up until 10 weeks) is legal in Portugal. Thats the part I am confused about. Drugs are decriminalized but abortion isnt?
All the stars!
Admittedly I am not an Irish citizen but this doesnt seem well thought out.
This is going to sound like I am victim blaming HOWEVER was this his only option to eat? Once an establishment does some discriminatory dumb stuff like this, I’d go hungry, naked or whatever. I work my Black ass off for this little bit of change I get and I will be damned if I give it to some entity who thinks I am…
I am glad to read a cismale pov on this topic.
I work with those so called assholes on regular basis. YOU ARE THE ADULT!!!! If you cannot redirect a child without physical violence you are the problem. No No No..what is wrong with you?
I really need to stop reading comments on other sites about this incident.
As a Black person I have to ask John Henson WHY HE STILL SPENT MONEY THERE?? They could kiss all of my back brown cheeks. I need to step up my idea of workshops or seminars for rookie athletes. They are out here with no sort of political education or guidance spending money all willy nilly. A Different World covered…
People act like this in public?? Dumping food on tables, demanding errand boys/girls,throwing drinks on people. *insert Detroit stereotypical reaction to blatant disrespect*
Just going to let my picture speak for itself.
Pardon me is everyone missing this part?
I cannot wait for his after presidency book. I hope he unleashes on all the “Obummer, socialist commie mooslim ass-hats”