
I wonder if he ever feels uncomfortable by how much Kanye loves his wife.

On Instagram she posts tons of pics of her working out for the part. She seems stoked to play BC to me.

Amanda Waller wouldn't allow it. Part of her torture tactics.

Wow seriously? That's…pretty offensive.

If you google "Amanda Waller Arrow" on the sixth row there's a screenshot of her topless with Slade Wilson. I imagine a lot unsuspecting googlers' innocence will be lost.


Cynthia Addai-Robinson is on Arrow.

I'm not necessarily hating it, but I don't really like it either…yet I find myself watching it anyway.

She's playing Dr Leslie Thompkins.

The scene with him and Fish was surprisingly hot.

None of that implies romance. All that showed was that he cared for her. Oliver would have killed for Diggle if he were in that same position.

And they also said this Helena Bertinelli we got was the Huntress lol. Both of them are their characters in name only; and in Sara's case, its the Canary, not Black Canary anyway.

Felicity having a crush on Oliver and making awkward slips was not the beginning of a romance. Oliver showed absolutely no interest in Felicity. It was Laurel, it was McKenna, it was Sara. Never Felicity. Its not like Lois and Clark for example, where Lois can't stand Clark but wont admit she kind of likes him.

Shado was for Slade's manpain and villainous turn. Which is worse because she wasn't even his lover, just someone he had feelings for (that we had no idea about until out of nowhere at the last minute).

Katie and Caity are about the same size. And she's put back on weight and muscle lately.

Olicity fan baiting. In that 25 minutes they could have given screen time to Diggle and/or flesh out more of the HK flashbacks.

Seriously. I actually felt uncomfortable watching them together.

Being neutral isn't really being accepted.

I had the same exact feeling when Barry guest starred.

How has no one has mentioned Oliver/(pre-mirakuru) Slade????