

Manu had already left before that season 3 episode.

S4 has the worst flashbacks. S3 flashbacks with the Yamashiro family and Waller were great.

Why do we even have to use the word reboot? O'Connor doing an adaption of a radio serial/comic book that happened to have been adapted by someone else before. It should be assumed that there's no relation.

I don't think so. Gavin O'Connor is a good director.

Cynthia Addai Robinson was great in The Accountant. Nice to see her follow that up in a lead role with what looks like a pretty decent show.

By the time the series finale airs, Trump still wouldn't be inaugurated yet.

I find Lesley's acting on the cartoonish side. I think the only actor that could be described as perfect from the start is Tom Ellis and strangely, Scarlett Estevez (Good child actors are not easy to come by).

Lauren's character may not be as flashy as everyone else's, but I don't think that makes her the weak link. She was great in this episode.

The irony of your comment is that it's the father of the child that asks that question, and the person that works with autistic children helping him responds "define normal".

I like the way she speaks. She has a nice soothing calm voice. The role could have easily been overacted or hammy like other villainous characters.

Cynthia Addai-Robinson as Amanda Waller was one of favorite Arrow guest stars. Funnily enough I was quite if-y about her at first in season two, but she quickly became someone I looked forward to seeing pop up last season. Very unfortunate she wont be back (at least in the present day?)

I approve of this greatly.

How can it be rushed when they were already engaged when we were first introduced to the characters?

I would watch the hell out of a Suicide Squad miniseries but unfortunately due to the movie that doesn't seem likely.

She probably dumped him back there for laughs.

I'm guessing that happens in season four.

When she was with Sin and sometimes when Felicity did something cute.

Why can't they both have a light? I'm tired of female characters being pittied against each other.

You silly people with your logic and good memories.