
Sara was not Black Canary. She was a female Green Arrow. Same back story.

Depends on where you go. This place seems very anti Laurel (and pro Sara). I'm surprised at all the Sara love. She's not much more than a female Oliver.

Lol those are iconic couples. People are talking about pairing off a character with someone because fans like the idea of them together. Even if it comes out of no where or is contrary to what we've seen before.That's the definition of fan service.

Rewatch season one again. Oliver was not enthralled by Felicity like he suddenly apparently is now. This is the definition of a retcon. Fans liked the idea of Felicity and Oliver and now they're doing so.

People keep talking about this chemistry. They look awkward.

How do you know Sara does it better when we haven't seen Laurel as Canary yet?

Its a complete retcon of season one. Oliver's mind was completely consumed by Laurel, but now we're supposed to believe that moment where he meets Felicity was life changing? And he remembered the color pen she was chewing on? Embarrassing.

Chemistry based on what? They had a small chat, lol.

They could have done so much more had they not dedicated about 25 minutes to Olicity fan pandering.

Shots fired.

I don't see this amazing chemistry. All the attempts at romance this episode came off as really awkward. Like watching siblings.

Stop using logic. Only irrational hatred is allowed here!

They looked like brother and sister.

What was good about her? She was basically female Oliver.

Caity better actor? Granted, neither are great but Katie has shown to be more capable. How is Sara in anyway sympathetic? After she goes back with Oliver when she comes back to Starling was one of the shittiest things possible.

I'm guessing you haven't see Katie Cassidy lately.

Train for what? lol. She went to live with her father.

They shouldn't have even bothered doing another origin story IMO. It was less than 10 years after Raimi's film. What they should have done was do a montage as an intro. That could have saved them so much time.

Both can co-exist (it'll make the CW seem like the DC Comics Network though). Or a Suicide Squad miniseries.

Natural gravitas? You haven't seen what she can do with a hammer, lol. Its too bad she's so supermodel thin because she's got a lot of fire in her.