
I disliked skinny Waller at first too, but then I decided to rewatch the episodes without the 'Amanda Waller has to be fat' mindset and I was able to appreciate her performance far more.

He (and Cynthia Addai Robinson) were in Star Trek Into Darkness.

I wonder if Crixus being decapitated was intentional / used for irony.

He's on Reign.

Casting choices and directly using another show's music score are two different things lol.

Of course they're not the same. And I'm referring to the comic book character, not the movie depictions. I'm saying he's got that kind of quality.

Its too bad the CW wont ever see Gotham's kind of ratings.

I honestly enjoyed Spider-Man 3 more than either of the reboot Spider-Man films. What a major disappointment.

Doesn't he do that in JLU?

That awkward moment when Gustin plays a better Peter Parker than Andrew Garfield. Peter in TASM is missing that likeability quality that Barry Allen has in The Flash (which channels Raimi's Spider-Man at times).

Speaking of Smallville, Amell was seriously speaking like Tom Welling in his cameo. Don't know what was up with that, especially since he's improved over the years.

Aren't there copyrights that would prevent that from happening? I rather they do their own thing. This is only the second live action Flash series to exist.

I would say the show is visually closer to Burton's style. Nolan's was more grounded.

Its funny. Smallville was able to pull that sort of thing off, but maybe its because the show was never promoted as something super serious.

She was good in Supernatural.

They're in Hong Kong now.

The Laurel character isn't the best, but Katie Cassidy is an okay actress.

Agron is also caught looking at the ridiculous well endowed gladiator. Its like a split second throwaway scene, but its funny in hindsight. Can't remember which episode it was though.

Sura was never really much of a character, we only saw her in one episode, all subsequent appearances were hallucinations, so that's understandable.

The foreshadowing is ruined if you watch the prequel first though. But glad you were able to enjoy it nonetheless.