I am not doing research for you. Go and read the legislation in your country and learn it.
I am not doing research for you. Go and read the legislation in your country and learn it.
I can tell you that the freezing reaction was a reflex, just like the one you have to punch people back if they grab you. Mental and psychological are synonyms , by the way.
mental is biological.
Rape means an un-consensual sexual act. I bet that’s true for the legislation in the country where you live. It is in mine. Better to educate yourself and your children on the law. Merriam is far from a good source of education in that sense.
Why would you call it unnatural when so many women say that’s what happens to them when they are sexually assaulted? Do you have any reason to believe it’s unnatural? What do you mean by “unnatural”?
Freezing meaning you don’t even feel your breathing, you don’t feel anything, your muscles are all tense, your jaws are clenched, unable to move. And your state of mind is disbelief.
It happened to me , skirt. I was in the doctor’s office and he started fondling me. I was 18, he was my doctor and I needed him. I hadn’t had any trauma before. None.
yes, she is raping you if after you said no she continues to make advances. However, due to the physical power imbalance between men and women, those stories are extremely rare.
Freezing can happen for multiple reasons, for rape victims it can be either fear or disbelief, or both. Yes, disbelief.
and that’s because a guy is just expected to fuck. Guys are not into the figuring out business. That’s not their problem.
is Merriam your only source of sex and legal education?
I do hope you rolled over to sleep.
freezing is a natural and very common reaction for rape victims, so I don’t know why you think that her freezing means there might be a case for Dave’s innocence.
how about you just ask point blank “do you want me to progress things?”, or does that kill the mood for you? Or are you afraid of a negative answer?
Unfortunately I would need to hear her other side of the story to give you an honest answer.
“Now, this does bring up an interesting point in the legal realm. At no point did she feel that he used violence, intimidation, or even strong physical coercion to have his way with her.”
You just need to ask your son that no means no. That’s all. Is really that simple. And if men will go to jail more for not understanding this basic human behavior, then so be it. All women risk a lot by having sex, so men should have the same level of risk. THAT IS FAIR!
“A Woman Who Understands the Definition of Rape” which is “No means yes”. Now that’s a fucked up definition of rape.
“genuinely (not out of fear or from nagging) want to make your partner happy”