
It’s below me to claim victory against a dense people like you.

You are a stupid asshole who hates women. I wrote more intelligent things in this thread than you’ll do in your lifetime. Learn from it.


I don’t have time for you, just wanted to tell you that you are such an asshole. But you know that already.

The study you are giving refers to a patient at the end of his life, with only three month to live, whose internal organs were failing and incapable of processing morphine’s toxins which led to those symptoms. For an end of life patient anything can cause unpredictable symptoms. It is in extreme case, and I did say

“So, if you’re going to say “no” you’ll have to do something other than just assert”

I did not ask you about hallucinations, I asked you precisely (and I quoted you) about the dissociative state you claimed morphine can “possibly” induce, but I wasn’t expecting you to answer, based on the record of sidestepping and deception you have shown so far.

But your complaint was that men don’t have channels for communicating their feelings. They have those channels so would you want to rephrase that?

“But she could get laid anytime she wants!” So could you, if you had no standards whatsoever, and were willing to fuck someone you didn’t find attractive.”

How about you explain a bit more, like how exactly men don’t have channels to express their emotions? How is that? Because I have an earful of men’s emotions expressed through internet anonymous channels, usually venomous hatred and anger and contempt for women. They have a lot of powerful channels to express

“None of these professors has lost his job, and Marcy has been given thehonorific title “emeritus.”

You are so full of bullshit, it is hilarious.

“As I noted in the original post, however, it’s POSSIBLE that there was a dissociative state from morphine, because people do respond differently to different drugs”

“neural circuits that otherwise would be inhibited are deactivated)“ meant activated, not deactivated. One less thing for you to quibble on (in the unlikely case you paid attention and learned from what I said)

Ok, dude, so here we go, let’s have our fun talk of the day. I will of course ( if you had any doubt) describe what an incompetent/impostor you are.

Now playing

Body hygiene is a totally different matter because it can be controlled in most cases, but people who suffer from certain medical conditions or women with menstrual odor should definitely not be subject to discrimination. Some people just don’t like blacks, or disabled, or fat people, or women’s or some gay’s voices,

So your answer is that you’d suffer in silence because you’re not a baby. You’re actually very brave, most people don’t accept to go to work every single day and get annoyed when they hear the voice of their boss. Some would avoid contact with her, others would quit, and others would think about the situation

But considering that for some women it is biology, and you say high pitched and piercing voices annoy you (which is the reason why many people use the derogatory shrill term) , do you think you’d be able to report to such a female boss? Would you quit and find another job, or would you suffer in silence? Or do you

Are you really saying that women’s voices, which are indeed higher pitched than those of men , annoy you? Because the term shrill is not only referring to high pitch sounds in the strict technical sense, it is used in a derogatory way.

I am amused at how desperately you’re trying to exculpate yourself for the inaccurate and stupid things you have been saying all along for the sole misogynistic purpose of casting doubt on this woman’s testimony. But I won’t let you off the hook, dude. You’re an impostor and you know it.