
Something interesting about this game is the way they handled the “racing line” like Forza. Instead of having it drawn on the ground showing you the ideal line, they used a green-yellow-red flag system you can see in those clips. They’re always on the opposite side of the track that the turn is in so you don’t have to

The website isn’t working for me for PS5 games so I’ve been using the PS App (Android).

Please don’t release it with that plain square grille Nissan... this took me 10 minutes, I’m sure it can be updated at this stage:

That gaping maw tho.

This is not a true self-driving car, though. The Tesla “Autopilot” feature is nowhere even close to full-on whole-car autonomous driving systems being tested by Google, Uber, and others — and those more substantial systems have still had their fair share of accidents.

I think you missed the point of what he said. He was saying, “If you’re going to say things like Hillary is connected to this, at least talk about these guys who are heroes first, then say whatever it is you’re going to say.”

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Actually, Bungie split from Microsoft in 2007. Part of the deal was that they’d make two more Halo games (ODST and Reach) during the first few years of their independence.

A real tribute to Avery the actor that he subtly takes Will’s cap off. 

Was waiting for this. Will read later on but just wanted to say continue doing the lord’s work.

Update: Police late Thursday arrested Frank Tumm and charged him with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He was booked into the Turner Guilford Knight correctional center with a bond of $5,000.

21st Century and still thinking like this? Disrespectful? a burden? I would say a mild inconvenience at most, and certainly less inconvenient that all the homegrown issues. I mean, its not like “illegal” immigrant workers harmed this country more than, say, the 2008 Great Recession, the opioid epidemic, and the drug

The U.S. and Japan are not the same. Leaving out the issue of the indigenous peoples, the U.S. has for most of its history been ethnically diverse and welcoming of immigrants. So your statement begs the question: assimilation to which culture? English? White? American? At which point your statement collapses.

Or maybe, a culture should be open enough to new ideas brought about by immigration, instead of thinking itself perfect and superior to all others. There’s a word for that kind of thing, y’know.

There are plenty of countries that fit that bill. If you’re implying the USA then you’re dead wrong. There is no assimilation in a free country. You are free to do as you wish as long as you commit no crimes. Let’s hope that’s not what your implying and that you’re not a racist. 

There is no rule that says you have to abandon your cultural norms when moving to another country. This line is usually toed by white nationalists and other racists that blame immigration for societal woes. They even cite Japanese society as an example of an ethno-centric society when trying to make a case for a

Yeah remember when those europeans showed up and thought they would impose their thinking on a bunch of americans... they didn't even bother trying to learn their language 

How many Native American languages do you speak?

Development costs were never the issue. The issue is that shareholders want these games to have higher and higher ROI. For example, after the shitstorm surrounding Battlefront 2 that forced EA to turn off the lootbox feature there, EA told investors that there would be no “material impact” on revenue. So, lootboxes

I thought you typed iphone 4 for a sec.