
Something interesting about this game is the way they handled the “racing line” like Forza. Instead of having it drawn on the ground showing you the ideal line, they used a green-yellow-red flag system you can see in those clips. They’re always on the opposite side of the track that the turn is in so you don’t have to

I always hated school lunch. It literally never tasted good, and I couldn’t understand people who would be able to finish a plate (Friday pizza included, awful), a bag of juice, and a carton of usually chocolate milk.

How did they not call it Nickelodeon Brawl Stars?

I thought the BK one was good, if a bit over-sauced on the spicy one, but still surprising.

PSA: You can claim “PS5 Only” games from the Sony Playstation website.

Field of View adjustments can really contribute to that Claustrophobic feeling. I was watching a friend’s stream and the FOV stood out immediately. It defaults to 80 which seems to be a new standard, but I think 90 is the sweetspot.

Rumors are basically that you will choose either a Modern Warfare loadout or a Cold War loadout. It is confirmed there will not be an engine swap to Treyarch’s engine for Warzone. Raven Software will be taking the weapons from Cold War, and rebalancing them for Warzone.

Similarly, I don’t have any tattoos. Whenever I think of getting one, the most common things are like, logos, of things you like. I’m not gonna ink a commercial on me.
I hate this shoe culture, because shoes are such a utilitarian thing. Especially basketball shoes. When someone says something like “oh it looks like a

Apparently EA is suggesting they broke the rules, and if EA’s servers are down, there should be a double disqualification.

Fuuuck, the shape of the blade arrowhead is already like a star destroyer

Where’s the first 3 games remastered in HD?

I just started replaying this game after a year. I originally picked it up for half off after the whole fiasco, and holy shit am I having fun. There are some balance issues with level 4 cards and heroes just snowballing their scores, but overall it’s good to know that when DICE cars, they can put quality content into

Don’t get mixed up though: Keon Hardemon is also a sack of shit that agreed to give David Beckham a no bid deal on a city golf course to make a soccer stadium. He conveniently left out that his mom gets an income from the group funding the team and stadium.

No, it 100% doesn’t. You’re right, the McNugget breading is unique at McDonald’s. It’s self-described as Tempura breading. Take that with a grain of black pepper. Or a fucking mountain of black pepper like the McChicken patty.

Smashburger’s burgers are actually pretty good. The one by my house didn’t make it; it was next to a Chipotle so it had no hope. The challah egg buns were awesome. This Poultry Pastry looks fine, I guess.

You know how you can tell a car is iconic? If it gets parodied in GTA. The Infiniti FX-35 was. It was the Fathom FQ-2. They haven’t made an iconic car since gta v came out.
The Mercedes/Infiniti crossover I think is interesting, because you can see the same exact car interpreted by 2 companies, and I think the GLA 250

Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

I LOVE Kingdom hearts, and still got stuck up on Re:Chain of Memories. It’s too long for what it is. The main story should be the length of Riku’s campaign. I’d say skip that one, only come back to it if you need a prequel, but with the movie version of 358/2 Days you get all everything you need to understand KH2

Am I your friend? I used to eat subway until I had this realization in college. The white shredded mozzarella cheese is the only one with flavor, and I put that on italian herbs and cheese bread with tuna, because those are the only things with distinct flavors. Not surprised to learn all deli meats are turkey based,

If you don’t have one:
This case may not be as nice, but the Red controllers I have from my Mario Odyssey bundle are gorgeous, and these seem to be the same shade.

If you don’t have one:
This case may not be as nice, but the Red controllers I have from my Mario