
I think they’re gone because people don’t smoke in their cars nearly as much these days as they did back then. Thank goodness and good riddance.

And how you can reverse them and force a lot of air inside the car without disturbing the passengers in the back seat. And without the vacuum noise in some AC systems.

I think it’s awesome that she’s an open supporter of a liberal candidate and uses her position to talk about him. However, her “voting with my vagina” comment was iffy, and I think a comment about voting for Hillary because of her wealth would have been better/more accurate.

This is completely incorrect. The prosecutor in the case stated that there was probable cause to go ahead with charges, but Dylan was so fragile that he didn’t want to pursue them. Woody spent millions of dollars pursing his allegations that Dylan had been coached and he lost every time. This information is public

Seriously. Good for her.

Nobody smokes anymore.

But I thought in America you had a right to bare arms...

I’ll show myself out...

And for the next subject,explain the demise of front vent windows [more commonly known as “batwings”].And throw in a discussion about the now missing driprail mouldings.

Yes yes it it is.... Vincent Gallo has a website with a “store” section...this is one of the available items

OMFG you will love it so much and then come back and we’ll talk about how our lives have changed. (Says the person who watched from orchestra seats in April through sheer luck and her entire tax return check.)

I have an unnatural adoration for Chloe Sevigny. I can’t even say I’m crazy about many of her films (I found Big Love execrable). But I find Chloe’s personality and style very agreeable; she and I are from the same hometown, and when she is interviewed I am transported back to childhood and the artsy kids I grew up

The Brown Bunny did one wonderful thing. It provided Roger Ebert with the best review of his life:

The Old Testament mentality does not require coherence.

Y’know, if those brigades of forced birthers actually wanted to do something constructive with their time they could protest the death penalty. Which most of them seem to support. Against all logic and reason.

Couldn’t they get rid of the whole show?

Beyonce looked like teen acne.

god i love her in everything. EVERYTHING.

This has been stuck in my head since I read that headline.