
I can sort of understand why someone might believe reports that an attack happened and then the next day some people in a Muslim nation celebrated in the streets.

I knew he was a bit to the right before the attacks. After the attacks I was afraid he might go in this direction. Sigh...

Taki’s Mag is racist as hell. Here’s one of their most infamous ones, that I mentioned; John Derybshire’s “The Talk.”

It’s already hard enough to ignore when Josh Homme says questionable shit, but this is straight up racist. QUIT IT

claiming that he saw Muslims “celebrating in the [streets] during the attack.”

you know how John Oliver talked about how easy it is to make up a fake church?

You never see bad guys in movies who are Arab terrorists. It’s always Germans or French…

When you’re at a soccer game in Europe and you see the words “United Arab Emirates,” you know there is a lot of Arab money floating around and influencing the dialogue. The conversation is constantly being steered away from scrutiny. They think we’re fools.

Whenever any article about someone includes the words “in an interview with Taki’s Magazine,” you can just stop listening there because what’s coming up next is going to be racist filth. The “magazine” is just a thinly veiled Stormfront wannabe.

Man, if I was Johnny Depp I'm not sure I'd even date without paperwork.

Right? My first thought when I looked up the address on the map was “Oh, that’s as secluded as you can get around here. Good.”

Gorgeous house, just gorgeous. I love driving through the neighborhoods of the Rock Creek Park area; they are all amazing. That Kelly woman is an idiot, though. No fucking way is the Secret Service going to allow a former President to move into a struggling DC neighborhood, even if he wanted to (and really, why would

It seems perfect to me. Large, beautiful, secure. Two term president, a very good one, deserves a nice house.

So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?

Yes. I did.

I adore her and her crush on James Spader.

I believe you are leading with the wrong picture - this is a picture of Dan Scavino Jr.