When you read about the Night of the Long Knives, the Nazi takeover of Germany and the idiotic creeps that were involved, it shows how close we are to such an occurrence now.
When you read about the Night of the Long Knives, the Nazi takeover of Germany and the idiotic creeps that were involved, it shows how close we are to such an occurrence now.
Just call them trump supporters. It saves time.
Speaking of taking a stand. I sincerely hope you recover fully. Great to have you back Mike!
A brief history of Americans (and proto-Americans) bemoaning new waves of immigrants besmirching the demographics of the United States:
So to all the people who say, “fuck the illegal immigrants, I came here the right way”, well guess what, they’re coming for you now, too, just like they were always planning to.
“ Sometime after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that America was dragged out to an empty field and shot through it’s bigoted, Objectivist skull; left in a shallow grave; and receives frequent urination.”
Opposite, I thought, sure, nope
Reading all these articles about Hollow Knight when it was relatively unspoken about when it came out a year ago on PC has me -.-” All the same, better late than never and HK and Team Cherry definitely deserve the attention.
I seem to recall he personally ensured The Avengers had as few female superheroines as possible, cancelled a lot of the planned Black Widow merchandise aimed at young girls, and quashed the original female villain for Iron Man 3.
The very definition of camp is all of the voice acting in that game. It’s glorious.
Well he’s buddies with Trump, so...
White Americans more than 94% of black women went to to polls to vote for the woman.
Not so fast! We’re currently trying to figure out if the poling machines (which were supposed to not connect to the internet, but were connected) had been tampered with, or were even outputting accurate voting records.
The memorial signpost for Emmet Till, the black teenager killed in 1955 after he was wrongly accused of whistling at a white woman, has been shot again—35 days after the sign was replaced because vandals shot it.
Why not? Cramming everything into linear segments is silly, but some other way of connecting them somewhat without having to get too specific is fine with me. That way they can diverge and converge as people see fit. There are a few that do have some semblance of continuity, OoT+TP for example. Even then though,…
I would still read the shit out of Snacktaku focused on celery and carrot sticks.
Welcome back, Fahey. I’m absolutely certain my usual bloviations wouldn’t do what I want to say justice, so I’ll just say this:
You’ve been missed, sincerely, the entire time you’ve been away, and this community did not feel whole without you. You’re a goddamned boss for clawing your way back from what you suffered,…