
Thoughts and Prayers

I’m pretty sure they deported Mr. & Mrs. Culpa back to Honduras or Guatemalica or wherever the hell they came from...

Hey assholes, that is not the way a Mea Culpa works

What’s the definition of butter? I’m pretty sure peanut butter doesn’t fall under it.


I’m pretty sure he’s not supposed to delete tweets either, but that hasn’t stopped him in the past.

“Is there a chance the law gets struck down?”

“Get out of my country, you Hindu clown.”

Except the thing about her driving a car wasn’t even a “gaffe,” it’s perfectly understandable given her high profile public status (simply having been a former First Lady she would be entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection and would have been driven around by a security detail). Hell she didn’t even say that

Not having driven for 20 years is hardly in the same boat as being clueless about basic facts about groceries or trying to shamelessly ingratiate yourself with local sports fans.

Because people actually own Switches.

This, seriously. Just wait till pokemon comes out and then you’ll see fools like me buying a second switch to evolve pokemon with... and yeah I do have more money than sense thanks for asking.

No resistance here. They’re just buying their way into the blue wave they see coming. Same lame horse, different stripes.

Let’s Go Pokémon might not be the continuation of the main series, but it is a remake of a much beloved version of the originals. And it’s going to murder the sales charts. 

IIRC they wanted to do the RTS from the beginning, then were forced to tack on the singleplayer because who plays RTSes nowadays right?

The RTS part is the core game loop, the game everyone likes is the single player campaign they wrapped around their multiplayer skirmish RTS.

No math majors on these sites.

Brutal Legend. What started as a highly entertaining character-driven action-adventure turned into a third-person RTS. Abandoned it right then and there.

Titan Quest figured out in 2006 that not being able to respec skill points is ridiculous.

In the new games, like Divinity: Original Sin, you can definitely respec points. I’ve played that game multiple times with a variety of different characters and never had that problem, personally. Of course, it helps that you have a party of four, so one little mistake on your main character isn’t going to ruin