
Yeah, Spicer should just accept he’ll never be successful.

It appears you’re writing a petition that requests your gargantuan employer to give up millions of government dollars and risk the wrath of Trump supporters. Would you like my help?

- Mueller agrees with the DoJ position that a sitting President cannot be indicted, so the final result of his investigation will be a report. No doubt, there will be GOP pressure not to release the report publicly, but I believe that will not stand.

“He wouldn’t do anything that stupid” is not an actual defense, Rudy.

Note to conservative teenagers: if Peter Thiel starts talking about how the GOP needs young blood, get the hell out of there.

Tried? The mother fucker did and she still sicks up for his ass. She’s a fucking fraud and has no integrity. At all

BBC is known for pounding its subjects hard and at great length

I’m going to take the opposite tack and advise you (and everyone else) to stop your exploration of the X series at X3. Hell, maybe even X2, because X3, despite its creativity, is clearly only about 80% finished, and everything after X3 is the product of diminishing returns and creative choices that appear to have been

Oooh neat, I didn’t realize that about Sting Chameleon. Also, you can cut off Flame Mammoth’s trunk with the Cutter, too. I love all the additional boss animations and reactions to different weapons.

You can totally blast your way in with just the Buster


Sting Chameleon’s level is also changed if you play it after completing Launch Octopus’ stage. Parts of it get flooded, and it’s the only way to get the Heart Container. But the most common boss orders almost never have Chameleon before Octopus so this doesn’t get noticed much.

“What the hell am I even doing here?”

But the economy is the best ever! Farmers are the most successful farmers on the planet! This is all fake news!

Just so you know Garret is a troll who while acting like he’s anti-corporations is also saying Muslims are all terrorists and the poor should be killed or steralised.

Trump handing $12 billion of taxpayers money over to help farmers affected by Trump’s derelict tariffs IS SOCIALISM AND WELFARE.

-Republicans, without an ounce of shame

I get that “Hey, will you consider disabling AdBlock?” thing once in awhile and, every time, I laugh just a little bit.  So y’all can blast me with PopTarts commercials?  No thanks.

There was this horrible kid on second grade that got my gameboy while I was on the bathroom, and DELETED MY POKEMON RED SAVE FILE!

And that’s the sweetest Sims story I’ve ever read. Thanks for sharing.