
So that’s where M. Night Shyamalan got the idea for his new movie!

Headlines tomorrow:

She’s got a point on the “only talk about wins” point. No one talks about Jaden Smith anymore. 

I believe o e of the dumb friends in the Drew Carey show also makes a good Batman voice

I wonder what would audience think if, say, a Galactus story was focused on the Fantastic Four side of the events, and they only mentioned the Avengers on a newscast or something indicating they are “containing the situation in [other parts of the world]”.

Pratt has always been the worst Chris. 

I think we would be in a “bad part of Hancock” situation. 

This got renewed? Good for them :)

The main theory is that since the internet got massive in the ‘90s, “culture” started to stagnate then. I believe that outfits of a show like Buffy or friends don’t look as ridiculous to current teens as the outfits of the ’70s and ‘80s looked to those of us who were teens in the ‘90s  

First I was like “2nd worst?!” and then I was like “oh, yeah, the red headed girl”. 

Seriously, the guy obviously follows the Musk School of losing money.

Well, if there is one thing that Justice League had over Marvel was making a team movie before introducing the such character on their own movie first

Hi Zack! You can’t just pass a game of mad libs as an article. 

Fun game, cool game, but a little unpolished and somewhat unfinished, especially compared to other metroidvanias.

*Looks left

“In order to prepare for this role, I retroactively imagined my life as a Philadelphian and bribed city officials to change my place of birth”

I just don’t understand why it isn’t an option to do a live action story of another Avatar…

Confirmed: Messi moved to Miami in order to prepare for GTA 6

I haven’t played a Final Fantasy since IX, but I’m under the impression that every Final Fantasy after X is a whole different beast than the previous one, with the only things in common being certain enemies and other franchise staples.

This is much better! The Legacy” subtitle has huge unnecessary baggage for whatever story they’re telling.