Peter, with all due respect to Jason Schreier, you might be the best writer working in the videogame media industry, full stop. Are you still only a weekend/holiday guy?
Peter, with all due respect to Jason Schreier, you might be the best writer working in the videogame media industry, full stop. Are you still only a weekend/holiday guy?
There's nothing confusing about the title. Just pick up the phone, give Hammond a call, and chat for a little while.
I can say with utter certainty that my wife and I saw Mystery Men at 12:30am the morning of August 11, 1999. She had to be at the hospital at 5:00am for a scheduled C-section and there was no way we were going to sleep that night, so we went to a post-midnight showing. The theater was rather empty but we had a great…
Whenever fake bigmouth “patriots” start mouthing off about “illegals flouting our laws,” I’m always inclined to wonder how things would look if we took a peek into their own criminal history and the way they live their lives. I’d be willing to be that in virtually every case, we see someone who flouts US law on a…
If anybody is wondering, The GaMERCaT ( ) is back from their 6-month hiatus. I know the strip was dropped during it’s downtime, but it might be time to re-add it, if the viewers are still interested.
I find it amazing that the same group of people defending her are the people so aghast at Colin Kaepernick kneeling. Do people not remembering her butchering the national anthem at a baseball game followed by spitting and grabbing her crotch? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Just replace him with Roseanne.
So an actual witch hunt, just like Trump is always screaming about.
“Breitbart for the left”?
Gonna miss you, Patricia!
I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.
She probably would, actually.
If only Texas had extremely loose gun laws that allowed everyone to easily access and openly carry guns, then they’re could have lots of good guys with guns to stop the bad guy with a gun here.
Nah, Bill is far too rich for Trump to risk pissing him off. If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Trump is that he’ll take a lot of crap from, and bend over backwards to please, powerful billionaires.
Guys, I think this fact robot might be broken
Get a load of this: Cohen’s financial records from the Treasury database were leaked by an official who became concerned that other, much more alarming reports appeared to have been wiped from the records.