My guess is they wouldn’t let her use the bathroom because she didn’t buy anything?
My guess is they wouldn’t let her use the bathroom because she didn’t buy anything?
Appropriately, it is a mini-trophy.
Americans must decide which type of country we want to be: A nation hostile toward foreigners, closed to the world…
There’s also the fact that it simply isn’t true. McCain has talked about this. He’s talked about how the North Vietnamese hung him up from a tree by the hands and wrists with his arms twisted behind him until he gave up the names of the commanding officers in Vietnam. If I recall the story correctly, he gave them the…
Slavery wasn’t bad “at the time”
“The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th”
“our country needed a huge change and it wouldn’t happen if Hillary was elected or something to that effect.”
This is not a small incident, Germans are surprisingly pissed off.
Especially with companies of this size and scope, they should absolutely have a compliance division and records of all transactions.
“Show us the reports!” Anybody who has ever dealt with consultants know that they produce massive reports. Look at the Steele dossier for Fusion GPS. You pay that kinda money for an actual consultant, you’re gonna end up with a big pile of dead trees on your desk. If, on the other hand, it’s Pay to Play or…
Oh my god, shut the fuck up, pedant. lol
Literally my one-word immediate mental response upon seeing the headline!
Boo hoo. She knew what she signed up for.
He campaigned for trump in 2016. His daughter stumps for him every day on the view. He’s a coward, a traitor and he deserves to leave this world knowing it.
Even Germany?
You liked the game, and are expecting Blizzard to add something that will get you back.
Or just flat out stupidity.