A year from now, things will look very different. We’re gonna beat this.
A year from now, things will look very different. We’re gonna beat this.
Pretty sure death threats were rolling in before the brass was even cold.
I doubt it. Ivanka’s oldest child was born in 2011. I’m pretty sure 45 has been impotent for a few years, even tho he still wants everyone to think he’s a stud. He’s 71, quite obese, and is no doubt on multiple high blood pressure meds, which have probably caused some significant ERD. Given his diet and lack of any…
Nah, they all look like Jared. They even have chins and stuff.
It’s the narcissism. I believe someone from GOT said Cersei loves Jaime because they’re twins so he is the closest thing to her one the planet. Ivanka is an extension of himself so clearly he loves her most among all things. Combine that with his repeated demonstrations that he believes women are objects to be valued…
Yes there are more sparks between him and his older daughter, then between him and his current gold-digger.
Ivanka must feel so special that her father agreed on-air with Howard Stern that she is a “piece of ass”.
Isn’t he too old?.. He’d be 77 in 2020. I thought Trump was the eldest but Biden would take that record away from him (which would piss off Trump even more). Stop letting the elderly rule the damn country, they know nothing about modern times.
Just wait until his four chiefs of staff are all Playboy bunnies.
But there really wasn’t any difference between Trump and Hillary.
He was 94, but yeah....sad, it was probably the thing that finished him off.
Yes— because once we labeled food, people stopped being obese!
Sooooo.... what do girls do with their tampons and pads?
Or are the ladies still able to bring purses?
When I was in highschool we weren’t allowed to carry purses—- which usually meant that when I was on my period I was forced to use toilet paper—- or walk all the way back to my room and carry my backpack to the…
Somebody better tell him cloaking devices vere banned by the Treaty of Algeron.
I really, really, really hope the Dems don’t fuck this up.
Let’s make this shit happen. Enough talk, assholes.
You know what? Fuck it. The country is literally collapsing around us, but somebody organize a boxing match between these two. I’m no fan of Biden, but I’d love to see Donny Boy lying in a pool of blood and teeth. At least America’s demise can be entertaining.
The male Deadspin writers and I are certain that Hillary’s Goldman Sachs speeches would have led her administration to do the exact same thing.
I feel like part of this comment is missing.
If it were ~8 hours each day x 5 days x 25 characters...that’s like working a full-time job for half a year (with one week vacation)!