
He’s still their chosen candidate, disavowed or not. He won the primary.

Let’s see, since 2016 the Republican party has run a pedophile, a convicted killer (Blankenship in WV), and now a Nazi. It’s like a setup for a joke but sadly isn’t. I mean honestly, in a country with a population with over 300 million people, you’d think they could find like SOMEONE that didn’t fit any of those three

“A lot of people have been talking about the Holocaust and it might have happened, it might not have, who’s to say? There’s good people on both sides and I look forward to the rigorous debate over this. No more questions.”

3% of millennials turned out to vote for that special election.

I’ll take political insider over political incompetent. Nixon isn’t running for mayor of a medium-sized town, or comptroller, or a spot on the NYC council. She is *entirely* unqualified for this and the fact that she’s running for governor shows how unqualified she is. This isn’t a young Democrat with a long-term plan

Email in full from FOX news contributor who just quit to his colleagues. He was no saint but truth is good medicine. (Thanks to WTFJHT).

Seems like this should be a no-brainer for Democrats to get on board.

It’s a natural evolution of technology. Same reason why we moved away from fax machines, manual flight check-ins and so on. We also need it because people are horrible at driving when we think about it. 100 years from now, we might not even have traffic lights because cars would be able to communicate with each other

If you look around one day and find that all your “friends” are irredeemable assholes, and these seem to be the only people willing to hang out with you, it is worth reflecting on what exactly it might be about YOUR personality that is attracting those people to you. (This also goes out to the Ava Navarro’s and

...... The Aristocrats!

Wasn’t this a long known fact?

Are you on the east coast? That embedded tweet shows 8:18 for me, maybe it corrects based on your time zone? But you would need to be in far east Canada I think for that to make sense.

My god. It’s been a week and he still hasn’t set the clocks forward yet.

The problem with using a picture of your significant other as your phone wallpaper is that it’s awkward to ever change it away.

Guys would just lie about being on it to get bareback.

It is an interesting coincidence that Carrey, who became famous for talking out of his ass, is now getting heat for painting a portrait of Huckabee Sanders, who is famous for talking out of her ass.

In all seriousness, let’s break this down.

It extremely does not matter what kind of controller it was.

Really? Does it really matter what kind of controller was used? The controller had almost nothing to do with this story. The kid’s rage at not being able to play his video game, however, has everything to do with the story.