^^^^This! In addition, it seems that the people who commit these mass shootings often die in the process or kill themselves, so it’s not like arming people in schools is going to deter them.
^^^^This! In addition, it seems that the people who commit these mass shootings often die in the process or kill themselves, so it’s not like arming people in schools is going to deter them.
I was thinking in exchange for his tax returns.
Or release his tax returns.
Great, she should agree on the condition that Donald Trump public ally take a civics test on the US Constitution and US History.
People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the…
Caitlyn Jenner now believes that Trump has set back transgender rights 20 years.
I don’t know why you think this will be the outcome.
Not that Defenders 2 wasn’t happening anytime soon, but that as far as she knew, it wasn’t happening AT ALL. Which, you know, is fine, and Ritter herself said she would prefer spending more time on her own show because she preferred the themes in Jessica Jones than on Defenders, which is ALSO fine. I’d take more of…
This bullshit of, “What’s in their heart is what matters and who can really know that?” Needs to fucking stop.
You associate as a Neo-Nazi, you are trash. Full stop. No, “Unless you just want economic security” or some shit.
The FBI already polices serious crimes and interstate drug trafficking along with the DEA. The local sheriff can enforce immigration policy through the 287(b) program.
This was a perfectly fine response. ICE should be functioning to go after immigrants who are here to commit serious crimes, aka drug running, gang activity, etc...
In the end it seems the Nazis didn’t need rocket packs to take Washington.
I’m not going to fight you. I’m going to help you fight people. In fact, I’ll raise you. The Rocketeer is one of the best MOVIES ever. Every single action in film informs character decisions and drives the plot forward. It’s beautiful aesthetically, and it’s god damned gorgeous narrative wise.
So like... as you made clear in your post, it’s not a SUPER SPECIAL word just for cool women, it’s simply that, in Spanish, basically all words are gendered. So yeah, “berraca” is the female version of a word that more or less means, “badass.” (Also has positive and negative connotations, can signify competence and…
*slow clap*
I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.
Trump has personally caused more real world violence then anything shown in that video.
A follow-up:
I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again. Anyone who claims to want to reduce abortions would be doing so via a big effort in science-based sex ed, birth control access, and adequate pre-natal care access (among a long list of other things). Actions like this in the article have no motive other than policing…
I’m not expecting anything even remotely sensible.
I’m expecting right wing talking points, arguments that we put to bed back in the 90s, and for Trump to do nothing but spout completely nonsensical, irrelevant bullshit the entire time.