
Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

All that work and effort into making a legit PC version of the game. Shame they couldn’t do that for Chrono Trigger.

A lot of people think the Hatch Act was named for Senator Orrin Hatch, but it was actually passed in 1939 — so technically when Orrin was a Representative, not a Senator.

um...18/2 = 9. 9+7 = 16. 16 > 15.

Not even a one night stand. Friends don’t let friends fuck conservatives. Also, ew, this post is making me remember dating in DC.

Internet nerddom has a hierarchy. This is tongue in cheek in some places but still fairly accurate in the gist.

“(also, spoiler, fetishes are really common and also not bad)“

Put that in for a reason. I’m the least likely person to bitch out someone for their fetishes. Got a number myself. Point being, I don’t like “ooh it must be a sexual thing” being an excuse for hobbies when it isn’t always true. Call a fetish a fetish. Call

The idea that all cosplayers have some weirdo fetish (also, spoiler, fetishes are really common and also not bad) is honestly short-sighted and sad on your part.

Ummmm. Wasn’t the point of Robert Downey Jr’s blackface role that it was inappropriate and offensive? It was a parody of a method actor who was so unaware of the reception of his actions outside a Hollywood bubble.

What I find interesting is that most of the indictments are not specifically regarding collusion, but more focused on obstruction and conspiracy to defraud America.

The order has been changed! I can’t wrap my head around this madness!

No more expensive than the SNES Mini:

Some of my best friends are behind this game. The sacrifices they’ve made to make it happen are incredibly brave and inspiring. That Lienzo made a game about a culture that is almost forgotten in a city quiere nobody believed in them should be enough to buy Mulaka, but having played it in its entirety, I can assure

What happens when two black holes meet?

Cold take, man. An N64 mini will sell like crazy just like the SNES mini.

I think Nintendo should completely skip any plans for the N64 mini, almost none of those games aged well at all.

This looks demastered. I kid, these were always ugly games.

But the issue isn’t Nikolas Cruz’s age and how he got a gun. It’s that gun ownership for private citizens is legal in the first place.