
Wanted to be the first to point this out.

Final Fantasy III(US) is the definitive FFVI version for me because of that line.

If for charity would be great, if for the federal deficit would be great, if for the troops would be great, if for damn near anything else would be great. Would buy several spots if it didn’t go to his pockets. I really hope someone at Splinter or other site watches it and collects the good ones for us.

Hmm.. is it worth $35 to get a funny name on the stream?
Phil McCracken
Butter Emayls
Stormy Daniels
Not Putin
Dick Butkus
Frederick Douglass

Pretty sure that was on purpose...

This. Trump doesn’t understand hate-watching, but does understand low ratings.

Well you can’t really understand the nerf now comic unless you go directly on the link or follow the dota2 pro scene

Well, honestly, that’s because you’re a brainwashed conservative dingbat that doesn’t realize the Goldman Sachs and Wall Street “globalist elite” that you hate soooo much have filled the White House and are making tax and economic policies, chief among them the DEREGULATION that you seem to love sooo much. Do you even

I was saying “boo-urns.”

obvious, but necessary:

Trump himself spreads those rumors. He wants the world to believe he’s a virile and randy sex machine to disguise his incestuous yearnings and lust for teen girls. There’s not a woman on earth who’d voluntarily go anywhere near that shapeless wad of jiggling greasy flab and we all know it. He starts and spreads those

can’t believe you just assumed his gender

If wage equality is know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

It’s cool though because our awesomest president addressed this awful CNN thing this morning.

Honestly... If anyone can make a serious (but totally ironic) film about Duke Nukem, it would be Michael Bay. Cheesy one liners and poor action sequences line up perfectly for Bay and a Nukem movie.

That being said, let the Duke rest. He’s dead. Just like Presley; he’s old, fat and has a totally forgettable performance

I think that D&D has an overabundance of low-level fodder creatures. Between goblins and their larger kin, kobolds, bandits, cultists, zombies, orcs, gnolls, and wild beasts, it can be hard to make them each feel distinct with 5e’s rules as they appear in the books.

That’s a relatively recent development in the US. Go to the UK; racist Brits have a massive hate-on for Poles.

And also, it’s going to put off the Norwegians.