
Really tells it how it is.

Gay Muslim Obama is running away with this thing. I thought Muslim Obama was strong in the debates, surprised he’s at 0.

Everyone go home for the day. Scrawl won the internet already today.

Enjoy your email, sucker.

I just found this completely legit poll on

Uh-huh. No one complains about government services like ever. /s

Well this continues to be relevant...

You’re doing it wrong Rex. You should be buying commercial time on Fox and Friends every morning to say what you want foreign policy to be.

There was that whole birther movement that was spawned out of and supported by fake news.

I knew Nintendo was a master at selling old tech to people for a high price. But selling cardboard for $80. God damn.

How were we supposed to know that the bingo board itself would transform into the new Nintendo accessory?

The most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever Nintendone.

Love it or hate it, you can honestly say that this wasn’t anywhere on anyone’s “Nintendo Announcement” bingo board.

This is quite possibly the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has ever done.

Well done Nintendo. Did not expect this AT ALL.

Now playing

Isn’t it it “I’d like some pound cake”

Now playing

No, no. He’s actually saying “I’d like some poundcake!”