
I’m guessing you fell victim to Infinite Scrolling?

Tape is no barrier to these children. They eat tape for breakfast. Sometimes literally. Children are weird.

“2018 must be the year of IMPEACHMENT”

Christ, are we back on this shit again?? President fails to throw feces in public, gets gold star for Acting Presidential, and Today Is The Day Trump Truly Became President?

Exactly! Oreos are strictly a whole grain mustard food.

Mike, I find this comment from just about a year ago particularly amusing given the subject of this article :D


Because it worked so well for the British and French in Africa during the 19th and 20th centuries. Oh, wait...

Except they never say “tits”. That’s too titillating. They’re preferred usage is “teats”.

She’ll sell Jared out in a heartbeat. Bank on it.

Your forgot the gold crown moulding

trumps going to disown Eric, adopt Stephen, marry Ivanka, kill Jared and fuck Bannon.

Counterpoint: That song sounds just like Creep

No. He’s a) colossally stupid, b) sundowning, c) really fucking stupid, d) a proven liar, and e) like, really, terribly, absurdly stupid.

You’d like German. Instead of making up random series of letters they name things after existing things. Otter = Sea Dog. Raccoon = Wash Bear. Bat = Flying Mouse. Simple and elegant.

English — the language with some 170,000+ words but we make random ones mean an absurd number of entirely disparate things.

The Europeans and other country groupings already have their own “migration” problems that they are dealing with. In Europe, the Anti-migrant sentiment is getting so bad that never again political philosophies like nationalism are gaining strong footholds all over the place or reemerging in places they were thought

Au contraire: