
I would expect any business I do business with to preserve their relationship with me and only give up that relationship under warrant. Willy-nilly handing over 10s of thousands of records to law enforcement is shitty behavior.

Are they calling the cops every time some guys brings a woman who looks like she might be a prostitute into a room? I’d wager they are not, because this is Motel 6 and that is probably half their income, but I digress. Are they doing the same for French sounding names, since they are in Washington State which borders

Sounds like they were violating some privacy laws.

They should protect their customers and make them come back with a warrant. Like a reputable business.

No he doesn’t, but if he isn’t honestly, what’s the alternative?

Think about the implication if she actually is a Skywalker or a Solo; so Han, Leia, Luke or any combination of those three just abandoned her on a backwater, and left her for dead and then ALL pretended like they had no idea who the fuck she was? That

You should put salt on everything.

Nixon has an official portrait. Clinton has one obviously, despite being impeached. Trump will get his I’m sure.

No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

Fan art is different, and more complicated than you seem to think. First of all, a single piece of artwork using a character is far less of an infringement on a trademark or even a copyright than a working game. Second, even that piece of fan art is very limited in what rights it is given to use the owned content.

That’s... not true, actually. Whether you charge for a fanart is irrelevant. Any creator (or current holder of the IP) could sue you for copyright violations, even if you offered your fan works for free. That pretty much all of them decide it’s not worth the time and money when a boilerplate cease-and-desist works

You think that fan art is actually legal? Just because copyright holders tend to turn a blind eye towards it does not imply that it is actually legal in the current copyright regime.

Thank you for this.

Fun Fact: he’s married.

He is dumb. He has always been dumb.

That was a very cool, dramatic moment that elicited gasps and all kinds of vocal reactions from the audience I saw this with.

Probably because if the media can see him so can someone with a sniper rifle.

I’ve tried to switch to Linux several times in my life. I swear I’ve tried to have the most open of minds and lots of patience, but there’s always something that makes me switch back. Whether it’s lack of software options or bizarre issues with drivers or whatever. And I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux isn’t an

1st draft- “Happy whatever it’s called to all the blacks out there.”

When I wrote “may be built,” it must have reflected a hope his exit from the Presidency will be abrupt and humiliating.