I agree that its a stereotype, and I hope the game doesnt go that way; but even then, true acceptance and tolerance involves accepting that anyone can be portrayed in a negative light or as a villain in a story IF the narrative and characterization works; as long as the nature/gender/race of the character isnt the…
When I was a little kid, my Aunts and I had one big birthday with one cake. We had birthdates within 2 weeks of one another. I knew the date of my birth, but was like 10 before I realized that most people call their birthdate their “birthday”.
I only voted for him a dozen times. But I’m also dead.
“Fuck Nazis” is a political statement and therefore is absolutely covered by the 1st Amendment.
Only in trump’s america is “fuck nazis” a controversial statement.
It’s almost like Republicans are complete hypocrites who will just say whatever bullshit suits their desire to give more money to the rich.
She claims to be a leader of a political party. How is her account not “government affiliated” then? I know they are not serious contenders for holding seats, but she directs all the hate for some political motivation.
Spicy already declared those were official statements from the president.
I love the piece but his username is dutch for pancake. That amuses me more than I like to admit.
I think it is much more likely the US launches a campaign against the Republic of South Korea.
Remember when people laughed at us when we said this administration would move to fascism and destroy democracy in the US?
Why do they need young people to watch TV news when old people vote?
I mean, on the upside, do you think the pissant ad corporations that keep putting autoplay videos in the middle of a Kinja article will pay big $$ to continue with the bandwidth? Will Gawker have to pony up to pay the difference? Will Gawker die because they can’t/won’t afford the bandwidth to support the ads?
Democrats need to make voting rights a cornerstone of their 2018 campaign. Black voters turned out *despite* suppression attempts...but they were still very present.
To be fair, there is no physical evidence that Moore did what he did, it is all accusation, so there is a chance it is made up*. On the other, Weinstein is “liberal” and Jewish therefore...
Just take the W, man. Just take it.
Now, let’s make the Republicans that supported Roy Moore to the very end become stuck to that shit forever.
Holy shit. It was not fun watching Roy Moore hold a lead for the entire night. Though it was satisfying to have it reverse with less than 10% of precincts left. Huzzah for meeting some basic level of human decency in Alabama.
To be sure, Trump’s grasp on reality is tenuous at best. There’s no way he isn’t suffering some form of dementia or early onset Alzheimer’s. There’s more than enough evidence and reason to 25th amendment his ass.